
ARC Review: Wicked Lust by Sawyer Bennett

I have to start by saying that while I am an avid fan of the erotic romance genre and also a fan of this particular author, this book crossed some of my personal taste boundaries. I say that because I think it's fair to give you context for why this was a four-star star read for me as opposed to a higher rating. I am NOT a reader who enjoys a hero that is willing to share the heroine. I am much more inclined towards the intensely jealous, possessive heroes. So without spoiling too much for you, the first thing you should know about this book is that you will read about the characters engaging in sex with other people. As far as the hero, his only "extra heroine" activities are prior to his relationship with the heroine, the same cannot be said for her.

Now for some specific information about the book, this is the story of Sloane and Cain. Sloane is an undercover reporter looking for a story about the rumored Silo. The Silo is a sex club which may or may not have ties to a political scandal which Sloane has been assigned to investigate. When the book begins,Sloane believes that she may be able to use a relationship with Caine as an in to the club. The "fake" relationship quickly evolves into more for both Sloane and Caine. The book becomes about Caine's journey to introduce Sloane to her deepest desires and her corresponding struggle to do her job without falling deeper in love with Caine.  An extra twist is thrown into the book when Sloane loses control of the story she is supposed to be writing.

I think this book is 4 stars because of the relationship between Caine and Sloane, the erotic content and the overall plot.  I pretty much liked Sloane as a character.  Sloane seems intelligent and driven.  Even though her quest to sort of bring down the Silo might irritate you, she is a woman of principles and quickly abandons that pursuit.  The best part about Sloane is that she was true to her feelings and willing to give up everything based on what was really important to her.  I have less clear feelings about Caine.  I didn't really feel like we got a lot of information about Caine so I'm not sure I walked away feeling like I really knew him.  Also, Caine very much gave me a total sexual debauchery vibe.  Now if you know me, you know I'm a fan of steam but even I have limits, Caine had none. Well, maybe there was one limit but it was all by itself.  Caine was into girls, guys, groups, rape fantasy etc. etc. etc. It was just a bit much for me. And then there was Caine's reaction when the truth about Sloane comes out.  I got that he was mad, but in my opinion his reaction went too far and it went on for too long. 

Overall, this was a good book even though it wasn't really the right book for me.  For all you super freaky erotic romance fans, you don't want to miss this one.

**ARC provided by Author**

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