
ARC Review: Frigid Affair by Jennifer Foor

Frigid Affair was previously published in a limited edition box set as a short story, but Jennifer Foor has revised and expanded the story to be a full novel. Since I am a huge fan of hers, I couldn't wait to read this story. The blurb really sold me on this story though, and I couldn't wait to read it! 

After a tragedy took everything from her, Amantha headed to Alaska to start over. She needed a place that wasn't a constant reminder of everything that she had lost, and living off the grid gave her a way to move forward. But when a winter storm and another tragedy bring her a handsome stranger, she decides to make the most of it. What Amantha thought was a one night stand is quickly realized to be more when the man she spent the night with shows up on her doorstep two years later.

I liked the characters in this story and I felt badly for both of them. They had been through so much and that had changed their lives forever. In each other they were able to find a connection that they hadn't felt with anyone else, and I knew if they could get past everything that they would help one another heal. While I did like them together, I didn't feel entirely invested in them. I had a tough time connecting with them, and felt like there was just something that wasn't clicking for me. They were likable enough characters, but there was just something that kept me from really getting into their story. Part of that could have been the length of the story, as I felt like there was a lot of this book that they weren't together. I think had I seen more of them getting to know one another and spending time together without all of the past issues getting in their way that I might have felt differently. They definitely had chemistry though, and I did believe that these two cared about each other. 

Overall, I liked this book but I didn't absolutely love it. I wanted to connect more with the characters and story, but I just wasn't able to. This book had such a different feel than what I have previously read from Jennifer Foor, and I think that her taking it from a short story to a full novel might have hurt it somewhat. It didn't feel as though it was entirely complete or pieced together correctly since we didn't get much of these two actually together. It almost felt like the story had been spliced together and didn't flow as well as her stories normally do. It was still good, but I think this book had the potential to be so much more. I will admit that I never saw the twist coming, and that is why I have been vague here about the story and characters themselves. I don't want to spoil anything since I was really shocked by everything that happened. I absolutely love Jennifer Foor's books though this wasn't my favorite, and I know I will read more from her in the future. I love how different and unique her books are, and I always know that anything I read from her will be unlike anything I have read before.

**ARC Provided by Inkslinger PR**

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