
ARC Review: The Lie by Karina Halle

I absolutely loved The Lie by Karina Halle! I am a huge fan of hers, and of course I love all of her sexy McGregor men. The Lie was such an emotional read though, and I was instantly captivated by this story. While I have loved each of her books centering around this group of characters (they are all standalones), The Lie is probably the one I felt the most invested in. Fans of The Play will recognize Brigs as being Lachlan's brother, but you do not need to have read that before reading The Lie. I recommend reading any of these books because they are amazing, but if there is any one book that I would suggest the most before The Lie it would be The Play. 

Brigs McGregor's entire world changed when he lost his wife and son. Though things hadn't been happy between him and his wife, the guilt he has carried since has kept him from really living life. Taking a new teaching position, Brigs heads to London to start over. Things are going well until he sees her. Natasha Trudeau is also trying to move on with her life after years of loving a man she shouldn't have. That love cost both her and him everything, and she is finally ready to move forward and get back to living the life she had planned for herself. Back in school in London, she is starting to make progress until she sees him. Both Natasha and Brigs know that sometimes love can destroy everything, yet they also know that sometimes it is more than either of them can fight.

I really loved these two. They had been through so much, and each of them had a ton of guilt that they were struggling with. They definitely didn't have an easy path, and my heart broke for both of them and all they had been through. Brigs was sexy and smart, and I loved him instantly. He was a good guy and had denied his own happiness to try and provide a great life for his son. I was glad that he was able to finally realize that he couldn't sacrifice his own happiness though, and I hated that when he finally did something about it that tragedy struck. Natasha was so easy to like and relate to. I really felt for her from the start as well. She also hadn't had it easy, and you could tell just how hard she had taken things when she could not deny her feelings. She knew that the situation she was in wasn't right, and yet she also couldn't stop the connection that she felt. While these two had been through so much, they were able to find an undeniable connection in each other, and I really felt like they were perfect for one another. They connected on every level, and I really loved that it was more than just chemistry between them. They were super steamy together, but they also had such a natural ease to them that was impossible to ignore. They really fit together, and you could clearly see how happy they made one another. 

I know that some readers shy away from some of Karina's books because of her tendency to tackle some really tough and controversial topics. I personally love that she always stays true to herself and writes the stories that she feels. I might not always agree with the choices that her characters make, but I love that her books make me think and feel so emotionally invested that they stay with me. Each of her characters are unique and different, and I love that they are so real and have flaws. I have been hooked on Karina's books since the first story I read of hers, and every time I see her name on something I know that I am going to enjoy it. I highly recommend her books, and I think The Lie is one of her best to date! It is really hard for me to pick a favorite, but The Lie is definitely one of mine from her. I honestly can't wait to get more from her, and I think that The Lie is a book that a lot of readers will love just like I did.

**ARC Provided by Inkslinger PR**

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Natasha Persaud said...

Omg seriously my first name is the heroine's name in the book? I've been hunting and hunting for a book whereby my first name is the name if the heroine and I've not been finding any FINALLLLLY I'm so excited thanks for the heads up imma go get it right now

Casey said...

So excited you found one here! I loved it Natasha and hope you do too! <3

Casey said...

So excited you found one here! I loved it Natasha and hope you do too! <3

Natasha Persaud said...

I bought it I can't wait to read it thanks for giving me that information

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