
ARC Review: Reign by M.N. Forgy

Reign is my first book from M.N. Forgy. I have wanted to read her books for awhile since I love MC books, but I just never seemed to take the plunge. I really enjoyed this book and I can't wait to read more. Though I did have some moments where I had a few issues in this story, I couldn't put it down and I ending up really liking the story. I will warn potential readers that Reign is the first book in the Sin City Outlaw series, and it does end with a cliffhanger. I know I will be stalking Forgy for details on the next book because I can't wait to find out what happens next!

Growing up with the president of the Sin City Outlaws for a father taught Zeek to embrace the MC lifestyle from a very young age. As the current president of the club, Zeek is used to women and power as well as violence. He reigns over Vegas with his uncle, until a deputy sheriff changes everything. The attraction between Zeek and Jillian is instant, but they both know the danger of starting something together. But when they find themselves unable to fight it any longer, they both know the danger that awaits them after crossing that line.

I really liked Zeek and Jillian. I had moments where each of them frustrated me, yet I couldn't get enough of them. I really liked them together, and it was definitely a case of opposites attract. Jillian didn't go out and she was known for following all the rules, yet her attraction to Zeek was clear from the start. Though she tried to fight it and deny it, you could tell that she just couldn't help herself or stay away. Zeek had grown up only knowing one life, and he had some issues because of that. He didn't believe in love and never let women get under his skin. But Jillian was different from the moment he laid eyes on her and it was really interesting to see how he dealt with that. These two were super hot together and I loved the chemistry between them.

Overall, great start to their story. I couldn't put this book down and I need to know what happens next. I was sucked right into this one, and I can't believe I have never read a book from M.N. Forgy before. I will definitely be looking for more from her in the future, and I hope we don't have to wait too long for the next book in this series. I need to know what happens next for Zeek and Jillian! I think fans of MC stories and those that like a little grit with their romance will enjoy this one and should definitely give it a shot.

**ARC Provided by TRSOR Promotions**

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