
ARC Review: Some Sort of Love by Melanie Harlow

Some Sort of Love is the third book in the Happy Crazy Love series from Melanie Harlow. Each book is a standalone story and features a different Nixon sister. This book is about Jillian, and I couldn't wait to get her story. Her story was adorable and on the sweet side, but as with any Melanie Harlow book there was plenty of steam as well. 

Jillian Nixon's life is almost perfect, but the one thing she is missing is the thing she most envies about her They have each found the perfect match and as happy is she is for them, she wants the same for herself. But when she runs into her sexy one night stand from college, the two reconnect and realize that there is still the same spark. Levi Brooks is sexier than ever, but he is also a single father and that leaves little time for anything else. Though things are hotter than ever between them, Levi believes that Jillian deserves more and he won't be enough for her. Jillian knows better and will do whatever it takes to convince him that she wants something more with him and his son Scotty. 

I really liked Jillian and Levi. These two had amazing chemistry right from the start, and they were super hot together. It was clear right away that their connection went beyond that though, and I loved seeing them get to know one another. Because of the situation they didn't have a lot of time together, but they made the most of it. Jillian was really understanding and caring, and I was glad that even when things would change she handled it well. She would of course be upset, but she understood that Scotty was a priority for Levi and was so supportive of him and whatever he needed. She really just wanted to spend her life with Levi and show him that he deserved everything, and I was glad that they were able to take things slow. It felt real and natural, and their relationship was very believable. Levi had a lot of fears and insecurities that he needed to work through, and I felt like Jillian was perfect for him through it all. 

Overall, this was a really good story. There were times that it almost felt a bit too sweet if that is possible. But it was also funny, heartwarming, and of course extremely sexy. I am a huge fan of Melanie Harlow's because each book is such a great balance of everything I look for in a romance. If you are looking for an all around great love story, her books are a must read. I honestly can't wait to see what she writes in the future, and I am looking forward to reading more from her.

**ARC Provided by Gossip Girls PR**

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Suus said...

This looks like a good read. Great review, I'll definitely check out the book on Amazon.

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