
Review: Combative by Jay McLean

I am still reeling after the ending of Combative by Jay McLean! I cannot wait to get the next book and more of this story. This is the first book of Jay McLean's Combative trilogy, and each book will continue the story of Kyler and Madison so readers should expect cliffhangers. (and there was a huge one here!) This book had me on the edge of my seat though and I really need the next one! 

After returning from Afghanistan, Kyler Parker finds himself in a bar fight that lands him in jail. His detective brother Jackson (not biological) is able to offer him a deal that will help him out. The deal requires Kyler to go undercover as a fighter to help the cops bring down the leader of the fighting ring and a suspected drug ring that has ties to Kyler and Jackson's past.With both Kyler and Jackson looking for justice and few choices, Kyler agrees. Then he meets his new and mysterious neighbor Madison and things become more complicated than ever.

I really can't go into much detail here except to say that I really liked Kyler and Madison. I loved seeing them get to know one another and I thought that they were building a great connection. They had a ton of chemistry, and it was clear right away that they each were into each other. Madison is the innocent naive type, and there is so much about her that we don't know. There are a few details here that have me so curious as to what is going on with her and who she is, and I honestly can't wait to get more on her. Kyler had a horrible upbringing, and I cannot even imagine going through what he did. In that he found a brother in Jackson, and I absolutely loved that relationship! I just couldn't get enough of these characters and I really love where this series is headed.

I will say that things were a bit slow at times here, and obviously we are still far from having all the facts. There is so much left a mystery here and at times having all the questions and none of the answers got a bit frustrating. I can be impatient and there were a ton of things here that had me so curious! I need to know what the deal is with the mailboxes and everything else here! I thought that Jay McLean did a great job of grabbing the reader's attention here and giving such an interesting start to this series. This book was steamy and mysterious, and kept me guessing the whole way through. If you are expecting a typical fighter book, this is not that at all. It is so much more, and I cannot wait for Redemptive. If you like some mystery with your romance though, this is definitely one worth checking out!

**Review Copy Provided by Author**

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Jennifer Lane said...

Great review! I love when heroic guys have their backs against the wall like it sounds this hero does.

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