
Guest Post with Author Jennifer Fusco and Giveaway

Jennifer Fusco began writing romance in 2010 as a way to expend the excess creative energy which wasn’t exhausted by her day job. She loves creating incredibly flawed characters because, well, nobody’s perfect. Jennifer received her B.A in English from North Carolina State University, and today, lives in southwest Florida with her husband and son. 

The Nasty Ex

We’ve all been there. The break up that didn’t go quite right. The guy (or girl) that held your heart until you ended the relationship they turned into somebody else. I’m talking today about the nasty ex-boyfriend (or in Mike Perez’s case in Going The Distance, the nasty ex-girlfriend).

Mike’s a cool regimented guy and he’s very guarded. He’s a guy with a lot of secrets, and a past he doesn’t want getting out in the open. Mike’s dream is about to become a reality when his trainer books his next fight in New York’s Madison Square Garden. His star is on the rise and he’s has a nasty ex-girlfriend, Tiffany, riding his coattails to get her fifteen minutes of fame.

When Mike meets Ava Phillips, a sports reporter who covers the underbelly of professional sports, he thinks every woman is out to get him. And, he gets more upset when his trainer approves Ava’s request share the long ride from Las Vegas to the fight. However, along the way he discovers that Ava isn’t the tough bully her reputation makes her out to be, and maybe he doesn’t mind revealing more than he intended. Yet, his nasty ex-girlfriend is always there to make trouble for him.

He’s leery about getting involved with Ava. Just look at his track record. Not good. Still, there’s something about Ava draws him to her. While part of him fears that one day she’ll turn into another Tiffany, he’s willing to risk the outcome. But as their relationship heats up and Ava unearths his past, will she expose Mike’s darkness or succumb to the passions of a relationship she's only ever read about?

I’ll be giving away a one copy of GOING THE DISTANCE to one lucky commenter. I’m looking for the best nasty ex story. Go for it! Please use “nasty ex” in place of the real person’s name for your story.

The most restricted boxer at Las Vegas's Stamina gym lets himself unravel in the second Ringside novel from the author of Fighting For It…

A dedicated fighter, Middleweight Michael Perez is willing to do whatever it takes to reach the top, and with his next fight scheduled at Madison Square Garden he's almost there. A self-proclaimed control freak, he plans to drive himself cross country to the fight. But when his manager insists a sports reporter tag along, thinking it will be good for public relations, Michael finds himself under the watchful eye of Ava Phillips.

Ava Phillips has made a career out of exposing the underbelly of professional sports. Her instincts tell her that sexy, moody Michael Perez’s squeaky clean image is a cover for something more intriguing. Sharing the drive from Nevada to New York, Ava’s interest turns physical. But as their relationship heats up and Ava unearths his past, will she expose Michael’s darkness or succumb to the passions of a relationship she's only ever read about?

Purchase: | Amazon | B&N | iTunes |

Check out the Ringside series:

Up For Grabs:
  • 1 eBook copy of Going the Distance

To Enter:
  • Tell us your best Nasty Ex story.
  • Please fill out the Rafflecopter form.

Good Luck!

Special thanks to Jennifer Fusco for sponsoring this giveaway.
a Rafflecopter giveaway


girlygirlhoosier52 said...

Nothing is worse than the one that just won't let go!! My was just a cheater.

erin said...

I've been lucky enough to not have any "nasty" ex's. Just whiny :) thanks for sharing!

Unknown said...

I was 8mths pregnant when my ex cheated the first time. I had NO clue, none! I decided to stay so that his son could "know" him. He got a new job, closer to home. We also went to counseling where he told the counselor he wasn't going to change because he did nothing wrong. We stayed together awhile longer. He proceeded to cheat on me again, so I packed up my kiddo and left him. I served him at work on our anniversary. He cheated on me with someone at work, so I decided to serve him there....

Jennifer Fusco said...


Jennifer Fusco said...

Sounds like a plan. Go get em, girl!!

Jennifer Fusco said...

Oh i hate that!

Unknown said...

My husbands ex stalked him. She got his family's email addresses. She showed up places we were. It was crazy.

Mary Preston said...

Just so ego-centric. He thought he was the centre of the universe.

Jennifer Fusco said...

That sounds nuts!

Jennifer Fusco said...


MrsMac19 said...

I've had a couple of ex-boyfriends that wouldn't go away!

Jennifer Fusco said...

Lol. You must be one hot ticket!!

kim hansen said...

No nasty ex stories and I have 2 exs.

Mai T. said...

The first ex was an extreme case. The nasty thing about him is he always looks for me when his current girl is out of town.

Jennifer Fusco said...

Oh thats dispecable

Jennifer Fusco said...

You're very lucky

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