
ARC Review: Clash by C.A. Harms

I am a huge fan of C.A. Harms, so I pretty much don't even read the blurbs for her books anymore. If I see her name on it, I know I have to read it. Once I did read the blurb for Clash though, I was completely sold! I knew this book was going to be an emotional journey for not only the characters but for readers as well, and it definitely was. I will warn some readers that there are some difficult subjects dealt with here and if you have any triggers with violence you might want to keep that in mind before starting this one. I think this is a great story that is well worth the read though, even if it is difficult to get through at times. 

After her mother left her behind at a young age, Payton was forced to endure a life no one should have to from the one man that was supposed to protect her. Approaching graduation, Payton knew that if she kept her head down, she would soon be able to get out and she would do whatever it took to make sure that she never had to see her father again. But all of that changes one night, and Payton turns to her best friend Casey. Casey's family has always felt like her own, and they take Payton in immediately. Though Payton has always had a crush on Casey's older brother Dylan, she knows that now he views her as a victim and will never see her as more than a little sister that he needs to look out for. But when Dylan finally starts to see Payton differently, can they find a way to have a relationship when it seems the world is intent at throwing obstacles in their way at every turn?

I really liked Dylan and Payton. Payton was a survivor and she was stronger than she even realized. I loved that she never gave up and that she sought out help. It was so refreshing to see a heroine that knew she couldn't do it all on her own, and she turned to her friends and a therapist to help her through the aftermath of a horrible situation. I liked that things with Dylan evolved in a natural way and that he was very supportive of her. He knew when to push her a bit and also when to just be there for her when she needed him. These two already had history and the beginning of a great connection, but I really enjoyed seeing as they transitioned into more. The chemistry between them was smoking hot, and you could really feel how much these two felt for one another. 

The only thing that kept me from rating this one five stars was that I felt at times the drama got to be a bit much and things were resolved a bit too easily. Otherwise though, I really enjoyed this book. I loved Payton and Dylan and the secondary characters. There was a ton of steam and emotion, and as I said before C.A. Harms dealt with some really tough topics here. I felt like she showed them in a respectful way and showed that healing and growth is possible and how important it is to get help in situations like Payton's. I felt so much for Payton and at times my heart broke for all that she was going through. C.A. Harms is one of my go-to authors at this point, and I thought that Clash was a really great story. If you haven't read anything by C.A. Harms yet, you are missing out and Clash is a great place to start. If you are already a fan of Harms though, this is one you will enjoy. I am looking forward to more from her in the future, and I know that whatever she writes I will be reading.

**ARC Provided by Enticing Journey Book Promotions**

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