
ARC Review: Filthy Foreign Exchange by S.E. Hall & Angela Graham

I don't know exactly where to start with this review. I guess the first thing I should say is that I couldn't put Filthy Foreign Exchange by S.E. Hall and Angela Graham down. Once I started I felt invested right away and I really liked the characters. However I will say that I went into this one with the impression that this was a standalone story since there was absolutely no mention of a cliffhanger or a second book. So suffice it to say I was shocked with the ending and cliffhanger. I also have to say that the title is a bit misleading as well. This one was more YA/NA than the Filthy portion of the title implied, so I kept waiting for the steam and there wasn't a ton even though it was a good story. So while I enjoyed this book a lot, it wasn't exactly what I had been expecting. But I definitely can't wait to read the next one and I would recommend this book as long as the reader is a bit more prepared than I was before diving in. 

When Echo Kelly's brother Sebastian leaves as part of a study-abroad exchange program, Echo plans to throw herself into her studies and aerial artistry. She has no interest in entertaining the cocky foreign exchange student Kingston Hawthorne now staying in her brother's room. Kingston had everything that a twenty year old guy could want, until his father shipped him off to the states at a moment's notice. Now living with Echo and her family, Kingston finds himself drawn to Echo though he has been warned away from her. Though both of them have their reasons to stay away from each other, they can't find the attraction between them. What starts as them learning to tolerate each other quickly turns to more with each note he leaves her and the more time they spend together. 

I liked these two a lot. The chemistry was there right away and I loved their back and forth. The banter between them was so much fun and you could just feel the attraction. I also really loved how Kingston would leave Echo the notes in the bathroom, it was so cute and I liked that they had something that was just between them. I just couldn't get enough of these two and the connecting that was forming between them. Kingston was sexy and cocky, but in an attractive way rather than being a jerk. He was really great with Echo though and I liked that he saw her differently than anyone else. Echo was easy to like right from the start. She was smart and hard working, dedicating her spare time to school and her aerial artistry. I have never read about a heroine that did that, so I found it really fascinating. I also loved that she was so close with her brother, and you could tell how much she missed him. 

As I stated before, the ending was a complete shock for me and I wasn't expecting that cliffhanger. But I really enjoyed this story and I am looking forward to more. I need to know what happens next, and I can't wait to see what Hall and Graham have in store for these characters next. I think that if I had been better able to prepare myself for that ending and the shock of it that this book would have been a five star read for sure since I was captivated right away and couldn't put this book down. I just wish that it had been known to the reader ahead of time since the blurb didn't say anything about this one not being a standalone and it blindsided me. I do recommend this book though, and I am already anxious for the next one!

**ARC Provided by TRSOR Promotions**

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