
ARC Review: Stuck-Up Suit by Vi Keeland and Penelope Ward

I really enjoy books from both Vi Keeland and Penelope Ward and I loved their first collaboration, Cocky Bastard! So I couldn't wait to get my hands on Stuck-Up Suit when I first found out about it! It was everything I had been hoping for and more! These two make as fantastic of a writing team as they do as individual authors, and I honestly hope they never quit writing both separately and together. 

What started out as just another day quickly changes when a stranger loses his phone on the train. Soraya picks it up and starts to mess with it after seeing just how he was when he was talking on it, curious to know more about the jerk. But when she goes to return the phone to him, things don't go as she had planned and things spiral from there. Soon Graham and Soraya begin chatting and things begin to heat up with each text they exchange. 

I absolutely loved reading about these two! They were so interesting and I couldn't get enough of them. Soraya is not your typical heroine, she was such a spitfire and I loved how feisty she was. She tells it like it is, and is definitely blunt. Graham comes off as a cocky jerk at first, but the more you get to see of him the more you realize that he is more than that. I loved that Soraya made him work for it, when he has had so much come easily to him. Those that worked for him were afraid of him, and girls flocked to him. But he quickly realized that he might actually have to chase Soraya instead of the other way around. These two were so sexy together, and I loved watching them challenge one another in ways that no one else was able to. 

Overall, I loved this book and cannot recommend it enough. It was sexy and funny, and I was captivated right from the start. While I really liked Cocky Bastard, I absolutely loved Stuck-Up Suit. This book was such a great all around story, and it had everything I look for in a great romance. I couldn't put it down and I am already anxious for another book from Vi and Penelope! If you haven't read anything by these two yet, you are definitely missing out. I highly recommend both their collaborations as well as their solo projects, and I know I will be stalking their pages to find out when their next books come out!

**ARC Provided by TRSOR Promotions**

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