
RFTC I've Got a Secret Event with Author Samanthe Beck

Wine lover, sleep fanatic, and USA Today Bestselling Author of sexy contemporary romance novels, Samanthe Beck  lives in Malibu, California, with her husband and their turbo-son.

When not dreaming up fun, fan-your-cheeks sexy ways to get her characters to happily-ever-after, she searches for the perfect cabernet to pair with Ambien.

Hey everyone, I’m Samanthe Beck and I write funny, smutty contemporary romance for Entangled’s Brazen imprint. Big thanks to Dani for inviting me to participate in Rambling From This Chick’s I’ve Got a Secret event. Happy 5th anniversary, RFTC & cheers to the next five!

So…secrets…hmm. I’m pretty drama-free these days, but my characters? Hell no. They’re always hiding something.

In my recent release, Emergency Engagement, my hero and heroine keep a big secret from their families. Namely, they’re not really engaged. They’re faking it to get out of an awkward situation.

At some point while writing Emergency Engagement I mentioned the fake engagement storyline to my husband and said something like, “It’s one of those things that happens a lot in novels and hardly ever in real life. I mean, what kind of pathetic, morally bankrupt loser would pretend to be engaged for personal gain?”

He gave me a hard stare.

Right. So, okay, yes, I did pretend to be engaged for over a year.

Here’s my deal. Hubs and I met in grad school. After collecting our degrees we moved from Malibu to NYC to enjoy living in sin in the big city. We were young, broke, and not planning to start a family anytime soon. Getting a job was high on the to-do list. Marriage? Not so much.

I had an interview for a position I really, really wanted. The recruiter told me the company liked my resume, but harbored concerns about paying the headhunter for someone who might run home to sunny SoCal as soon as subway smells, sunsets over Jersey, and a little something they like to call winter lost their charms.

I realized from a potential employer’s viewpoint I didn’t have much rooting me there—no existing job, no family. I needed to look more committed. Onto my left, ring finger went this tiny diamond solitaire I’d picked up during college. When the interviewer asked what had brought me to New York, I looked her straight in the eye and said, “My fiancé!” Suddenly I wasn’t some new grad trying the city on for size. I had more than my own whims to consider.

I got the job. Interestingly, I also married my “fiancé” about a year later. He claims the fib forced his hand on two counts. First, he had to buy me a real ring because the one I used was so small it made him look like a cheap bastard. Second, he had to marry me to save me from looking like a liar. I switched jobs after two years, and we moved back to So Cal a year later, (because yeah, subway smells and winter had lost their charm).

Hubs and I celebrated our 19th wedding anniversary this month, which tells you the important things haven’t lost their charm!

How do Beau and Savannah fare with their fake engagement? Here’s a hint:


“Our families might expect an occasional display of affection.”

His right palm tingled with the phantom weight of her breast, and his left hand twitched at the memory of cupping her tight, round ass. “I’m sure we can muster up something convincing.”

“I don’t know. You’re blushing pretty hard right now just thinking about it.”

The allegedly logical part of his mind insisted she had a point. “You want a demonstration?”

She tipped her face up, shook her hair back, and he caught a flowery hint of shampoo or perfume, or maybe just her drifting under the antiseptic hospital smell.

“A dress rehearsal might be in order. I don’t mean to criticize, but the last time you kissed me, your technique needed work.”

He had no idea what she was talking about, but he had a strong and unwise desire to trace every curve of her teasing grin with his tongue. See if she tasted as sweet as she smelled. “I think you’re confusing me with someone else, Smith. We’ve never kissed before.”

“My mom’s got a photo that tells a different story.”

Another small step on her part brought her body flush against his. The move produced a swift inhale from her, and then her eyes rounded at the evidence of what he’d mustered up pressing against her stomach. He found both reactions extraordinarily gratifying. She rested her palms on his chest. Having her hands on him also didn’t suck. “Exactly how old was I in this alleged kissing photo?”

Her gaze traveled over his face and came to rest at his mouth. “Fairly young…and fairly naked. We both were. To be honest, if not for the nudity, I’d have a hard time telling us apart.” She licked her lips.

“Well, brace yourself, Savannah. I’m all grown up, and you’ll know which one is me, even with our clothes on.”


Want to know how Savannah and Beau’s secret works out? I’ve got an e-copy of Emergency Engagement up for grabs for one lucky winner. Just do the Rafflecopter thing to be entered. Good luck!

Lastly, I can’t be the only person out there who’s stooped to faking a relationship. Ever made up a boyfriend? Claimed to be engaged? Casually mentioned your non-existent spouse? Tell me YOUR secret!

He needs the kind of rescue only she can provide…

Glass artist Savannah Smith expected a marriage proposal for Thanksgiving—just not from her strong, silent, super-hot neighbor. But when misplaced mail and a wayward can of paint lands them in a compromising position right as her family arrives for dinner, they assume he’s “The One” she’s been talking about.

Then his family shows up.

Fate dealt a crippling blow to paramedic Beau Montgomery’s heart, and he isn’t about to put it at risk again. Except, with his mother crying tears of joy over his surprise engagement to the sexy little blonde next door, he can’t bring himself to ruin her “Christmas miracle.”

Somewhere between the paint can to the head and the chaotic family trip to the ER, Beau manages to talk Savannah into being his fake fiancée long enough to survive the holidays.

If, of course, they don’t fall in love first…

Purchase: | Amazon | Kindle | B&N | iTunes |

Up for Grabs:
  • 1 eBook of Emergency Engagement

To Enter:
  • Ever made up a boyfriend? Claimed to be engaged? Casually mentioned your non-existent spouse? Tell me YOUR secret!
  • Please fill out the Rafflecopter form to enter.

**Don't forget to enter our grand prize giveaway!**

Good Luck!

Special thanks to Samanthe Beck for sponsoring this giveaway.
a Rafflecopter giveaway


Mai T. said...

I had made up a boyfriend story to tell my family on one gathering occasion to get out of the whining about why I did not have any.

girlygirlhoosier52 said...

Didn't have to make up any boyfriends, but I do enjoy the trope!!

JenM said...

That's a great story. I can't say that I've ever made up a fake engagement, spouse, or boyfriend, but I certainly was tempted to a couple of times.

erin said...

Nope. I"m not a very good liar, so I haven't even tried. Thanks for sharing!

Paula Altenburg said...

I am so impressed by this story. You, Samanthe Beck, are even more awesome than I'd already believed.Emergency Engagement is also a fabulous story.

K Angeles said...

Nope. I can't tell a lie. I start laughing

Sue G. said...

Love your story, but no made up guys for me. I met hubby when I was 17 and we've been together since....34 years later (married almost 27 of those).

Joanne B said...

I've never made up a boyfriend, husband, etc. Just never felt the need.

Mary Preston said...

No, never made up a man. Fun thought though.

Glittergirl said...

Nope, never did that and never felt like I had to. There was a time in high school when my bf and I considered ourselves engaged but my parents didn't :-)

Gaby Pendragon said...

Not really and I'm glad because I don't think I could handle a lie like that :P

Glenda said...

I tried to claim engagement once to discourage a guy. His response was - well he's not here right now so... Jerk.

Robin Bielman said...

I love this secret! Thanks for sharing, Sam!!

Unknown said...

I used a photo of my boss' kid and myself once to fake out an ex. Like He had knocked me up and that was his son. Mean? Yes! Regrets? NONE! ;)

Unknown said...

I once made up a boyfriend to avoid a peer from work setting me up.

Marcy Meyer said...

I don't remember any time when I found myself in a situation where I needed a 'fake' boyfriend or spouse, unless it was just to get a guy to leave me alone.

Anonymous said...

I have been tempted to, but I never have.

Meredith said...

I have....just to get rid of occasional unwanted attention from the wrong kind of guy!

MrsMac19 said...

I had the pretend boyfriend for a bit in HS. Of course, he went to a different school, etc.

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