
RFTC I've Got a Secret Event with Author Darcy Burke

Darcy Burke is the USA Today Bestselling Author of hot, action-packed historical and sexy, emotional contemporary romance. A native Oregonian, Darcy lives on the edge of wine country with her guitar-strumming husband, their two hilarious kids who seem to have inherited the writing gene, and three Bengal cats. Visit Darcy online at and sign up for her newsletter, follow her on Twitter at, or like her Facebook page,

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Darcy Burke is the USA Today bestselling author of historical and contemporary romance. Her latest book, THE FORBIDDEN DUKE, is the first book in her new Regency series, The Untouchables. Her next book, YOU’RE STILL THE ONE, book six in her contemporary Ribbon Ridge series is out April 5.

I love secrets, especially in romance novels. My favorite trope of all time is probably secret identity, which I guess means I like superhero movies too (some, not all)! So it seems like a no-brainer that my first historical series is called Secrets and Scandals. That series includes six books, and they all have a secret of some kind, and yes, the very first one, HER WICKED WAYS, includes a secret identity. The hero, a country gentleman who runs an orphanage, moonlights as a highwayman to save the orphanage from ruin. One of the greatest historical romance secrets of all time is the identity of Julia Quinn’s Lady Whistledown in her Bridgerton series. Stupid me read that series out of order so I found out her identity without any of the build-up. I have to say that it was still a delightful reveal. Anyone watching or reading OUTLANDER? Sooooo many massively awesome secrets there. I love me a gut-wrenching reveal!


Sometimes the secrets in books (as in life) are not that romantic. In NEVER LOVE A SCOUNDREL, the first book in my Secrets and Scandals series, the heroine has a secret that shames her. She has a reputation as a gossip and a busybody, but there’s a reason that she behaves this way and it’s horrible. When she finally confronts the situation, she learns of an even deeper secret that has driven what’s been done to her. Secrets, I think, are hidden in the layers of our memories and experiences, whether we mean to keep them or not.

What’s your favorite book secret? One random commenter on today’s post will win an eBook copy of SECRETS AND SCANDALS VOLUME ONE, which includes the first three books in the series!

Boxed set of the first three books in the six-book Secrets & Scandals series.

Her Wicked Ways (Book One)

To save his orphanage from collapse, Montgomery "Fox" Foxcroft leads a double life as a highwayman. Banished debutante Lady Miranda Sinclair is his salvation—until she rejects him. Out of options and falling for the heiress, Fox must risk what principles he has left and take advantage of her wicked ways—even if it ruins them both.

His Wicked Heart (Book Two)

Jasper Sinclair, Earl of Saxton, made a bargain with his devil of a father to marry a proper deb. Instead, he becomes entangled with a sometimes actress, Olivia West, determined to improve her situation. Destitute and desperate, she agrees to one night with Jasper, hatching a scheme to take his money and keep her virtue. However, Jasper uncovers her deception and vows to claim what he’s owed.

To Seduce a Scoundrel (Book Three)

When debutante Lady Philippa finds herself in a potentially compromising situation, she’s “rescued” by England’s most notorious scoundrel, Lord Ambrose Sevrin. Despite his scandalous past, Ambrose vows to preserve Philippa’s reputation, but instead launches them both on a path to public and personal ruin.

Purchase: | Amazon | B&N | iTunes |


Up for Grabs:
  • 1 eBook copy of Secrets and Scandals Volume One

To Enter:
  • What’s your favorite book secret?
  • Please fill out the Rafflecopter form to enter.

**Don't forget to enter our grand prize giveaway!**

Good Luck!

Special thanks to Darcy Burke for sponsoring this giveaway.
a Rafflecopter giveaway


Meredith said...

Secret in a book or about my book habits (this may be a better story!)? I think my favorite secret, that I didn't see coming, was in the beginning of the water for elephants where they referred to the (Spoiler alert for anyone who hasn't read it) elephant as "she" or by name during the ruckus, but never referred to her as an elephant, which came to light later in the book when that part was retold.

K Angeles said...

My favorite book secret is when a duke pretends to be a servant and falls for someone he never expected. Makes for a great story as he tries to tell the truth.

Cheryl Hastings said...

My favorite book secret was the identity of Lady Whistledown in Quinn's Brudgerton series. I read them in it's still my favorite historical series.

Texas Book Lover said...

I don't know that I have a favourite book secret unless it's keeping the ending of books from friends who are reading them or going to read them...I don't like giving away spoilers.

Nancy Jones said...

I think my favorite book secret would be when I read a book and then my mom starting reading and starts asking about the book and I tease her.

Unknown said...

I do love a book with intrigue, not finding out until near the end who the villain is.
Loved the Forbidden Duke. Looking forward to the rest of the series.

Kim said...

A favorite secret book was Julia Quinn's Bridgerton series. Another good one was Julie Anne Long's Pennyroyal Green series, where you had to wait to find out what happened to Lyon Redmond.

Unknown said...

My favorite book is secret is from the classic The Scarlet Pimpernel. Everyone thought Sir Percy was a fop and not a man to be admired. In reality, he was risking his life to save people threatened by the French revolutionaries.

Involved Parent said...

My favorite book secret is when the hero or heroine has been in love with the other for years and has acted as a friend without the other person knowing until something happens to reveal it.

Mary Preston said...

I don't know that I do have a favorite.

Tina J said...

I don't really have a favorite one.

Unknown said...

My favorite book secret remains the true nature of Severus Shape.

Glenda said...

I don't know that I have a favorite book secret. However, I finally have all the Bridgerton novels and was planning on reading in order. I now know I have to read in order - probably before reading Ms Quinn's latest.

jmcgaugh said...

Rochester's mad wife in Jane Eyre.

Love's reading and cats said...

I don't really have a favorite one

Mai T. said...

I don't even know what book secrets mean but I guess anything unpredictable is a secret.

kim hansen said...

I don't have a favorite I love them all.

dstoutholcomb said...

I don't know that I have a particular favorite book secret. I do love trying to figure things out in a book


Sue G. said...

I loved the secret twist in Black Lies by Alessandra Torres.

JenM said...

I'm a total pushover for secret baby plots. I have no idea why.

Joanne B said...

I don't have a favorite.

Laurie G said...

I liked The Count of Monte Crisco and how he got revenge when his friend betrayed him.

Michele Hayes said...

I enjoyed Julia Quinn's Lady Whistledown secret identity.

Jen B. said...

I can't think of a favorite. Right now I'm reading a book where one friend is in love with the other but won't tell him. That's a good secret.

Jess1 said...

I don't really have a favorite book secret. said...

The secret between Benault, Sophie- and ultimately Tommy- in Carolyn Jewel's 'Scandal.' Such a good book!!

MsAwesome said...

Besides historicals my other favorite genre is PNR so I'd say it's the secret world of vampires and shifters ;)

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