
RFTC I've Got a Secret Event with Author Monica Murphy

New York Times, USA Today and number one international bestselling author Monica Murphy is a native Californian who lives in the foothills below Yosemite with her husband and three children. A workaholic who loves her job, when she’s not busy writing, she also loves to read and travel with her family. She writes new adult and contemporary romance and is both self published and traditionally published. She also writes romance as USA Today bestselling author Karen Erickson.

We all have secrets don't we? Something we've done in our pasts. Something we're doing right now. A guilty pleasure, a secret longing, a weird preference. I had a secret, though I don't think it's much of a secret anymore, what with the last book I had out...

I'm fascinated with serial killers.

I know I'm not alone in this fascination. There are entire channels devoted to TV shows about various types of murders and true crime (hello Discovery ID). This secret fascination started when I was in my early teens and I came across a book by Ann Rule - The Stranger Beside Me. It was about serial killer Ted Bundy - a man she at one point in her life called her friend. She was a crime writer who happened to be friends with a serial killer - talk about an opportunity falling into her lap! I've been a fan of Ann Rule ever since and have read most of her books (RIP Ann, you are missed).

Years later I discovered the TV show Forensic Files (fairly certain I've seen every episode). Dateline, 48 Hours, all those crazy (and slightly campy) shows on Discovery ID - I love them ALL. So much that I decided to write a book with a serial killer in it. And that's how NEVER TEAR US APART and NEVER LET YOU GO (coming May 3rd) were born...

Please tell me I'm not alone in my weird fascination. I know there are others in the romance community just like me! There have to be! *please* LOL

Crazy how eight years can disappear in an instant. One look at Katie Watts, and I'm a fifteen-year-old again--the one who risked everything to save a terrified girl from her twisted kidnapper. She's grown-up now--beautiful, quiet, composed--and telling her story to the world. A story that involves me in more ways than you can imagine. She used to call me her guardian angel. Sure, I risked my life, but she was worth dying for.

I need to make contact with her. Just to ensure that she's safe.

Somehow we reconnect. We become friends . . . but I want more. I want to make her mine. And she wants me too. Does she know who I am? Has she figured me out? Not yet. But she will. In the meantime, I need to make sure that whatever hold that animal had on her is gone.

So, yeah, I'm stealing these moments with her. Savoring them. Knowing, dreading, that she'll soon find out who I really am. And everything will fall apart. All because of that twisted, perverted monster sitting on death row. Her kidnapper. A convicted serial killer.

My father.

Purchase: | Amazon | Kindle | B&N | iTunes |

The second novel in this darkly sexy contemporary series from bestselling author Monica Murphy wraps up an emotionally powerful two-part tale of forbidden love.

The truth hurts, they say—and my pain cuts deep. While I was falling for Ethan, he was deceiving me the entire time. He held a huge secret, protected by his lies. When I discovered what he was hiding, the truth shook my world, threatening to ruin us forever. Ruin me. But I soon realized that what we share can’t be destroyed.

The connection between us is too strong. It always has been. I can’t deny him any longer. And I can’t deny my truth: I’m in love with Ethan.

I don’t want to let him go.

While we’re trying our best to make this relationship work, other forces are fighting against us. My family, who wants to keep me safe. The media obsessed with my tragic past. The public that feeds off of it. Even Ethan’s father—the man who nearly destroyed me all those years ago. He’s doing his best to finish the job.

Despite my love for Ethan, the doubts creep in, clouding my mind. Is he worth the pain? Will our love survive, or will we have no choice but to end it—end us—once and for all?

Purchase: | Amazon | Kindle | B&N | iTunes |

Up for Grabs:
  • 1 Signed print copy of Never Tear Us Apart

To Enter:
  • Please leave a comment or question for Monica.
  • Please fill out the Rafflecopter form to enter.

**Don't forget to enter our grand prize giveaway!**

Good Luck!

Special thanks to Monica Murphy for sponsoring this giveaway.
a Rafflecopter giveaway


Blondie said...


Mai T. said...

What are some ways in which you promote your work? Do you find that these add to or detract from your writing time?

Unknown said...

Thank you and I have read The Rules series and am waiting for the 4th book to come out. Thank you for this giveaway, I do love signed prints..

Linda Henderson said...

These sound like very interesting stories, I definitely need to read this series.

Carol L. said...

This sounds fascinating and intense. I'd love to read it. Thanks for the opportunity to win a signed copy.
Carol L
Lucky4750 (at) aol (dot) com

erin said...

oooh.. this duology sounds intriguing :) I love Dateline. Like, I never miss an episode and will watch it when it's on, even if it's reruns. Thanks for sharing!

Marcy Meyer said...

Everyone has different things that fascinate them. I think anything that has to do with the way our minds work is interesting, so I can understand your secret.

Sue G. said...

No, but my oldest daughter is into it as much as you!

Natasha Persaud said...

This book is on my TBR list heard so many good things about it

Landslide said...

I love the cover!!!!

Mary Preston said...

I agree, serial killers are fascinating.

Betul E. said...

I love the cover!! How do you come up with the titles for your books?

Betul E.

Christina Riggs said...

Congratulations Monica

Unknown said...

I'm totally with you on finding serial killers fascinating. It was my favorite subject in criminal justice class lol

Aleksandra said...

Loveeee Monica`s books! <3

Meredith said...

This sounds like being with her true love will be a challenge!

Bube said...

Great covers!Sounds great :)

KateS said...

Which of the books you've written is your favorite?

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