
ARC Review: Big Easy Temptation by Shayla Black and Lexi Blake

This is the third book in the series but it's the second one I read. I read the last installment but missed the first one. I keep meaning to rectify that situation but have not quite gotten around to it. Even without reading the first book, I love this series and this contribution did not disappoint. Shayla Black and Lexi Blake are individually great authors but together they weave suspense, intrigue and erotic romance together in ways that are not easily duplicated. This is a great series overall and I highly recommend it. Ok, now let me get to this actual book.

Big Easy Temptation is the story of Dax Spencer and Holland Kirk. Let me just tell you, I love me some Dax and if you've read any of the books in this series, you probably feel the same way. I wasn't sure if I was going to love Holland. Holland is a detective and she's got the kind of unyielding moral code that I find irritating. I was particularly wary of how Holland handled the events surrounding Dax's Dad but by the end of the book I was team Holland. Holland is basically fearless and does not hesitate to familiarize the people around her with the facts of life. I ended up really liking those qualities.

The chemistry between Holland and Dax is smoking hot from the prologue to the epilogue. One of the things that I really like about these two is that they spend quite a bit of time in the book hating each other. But there is something about the hate chemistry that is just as compelling as the warm fuzzy feelings they had for each other. Overall, no matter if these two were in love or hate, it was HOT and the passion leaps off the page at you. The clashes the couple had (and there were more than a few) just made their relationship more interesting and their reunions even sexier.

This is really a story of how true love will persevere. There is a lot going on in the book. There is an underlying mystery, there is the issue of how things ended between the couple in the past and there are the supporting characters. But nothing is lost in terms of the romance. Front and center in the plot is always the issue of how the passion and love between Dax and Holland survived over time and a whole slew of crazy events.

This book has plenty of twists and turns. People are betrayed, others are killed and Dax and Holland are facing a common enemy that can destroy them and the people around them. This book will keep you on the edge of your seat trying to figure out the "kill list" and distinguish the good guys from the bad guys. And of course, there is the sex. When these two authors get together, you can expect some hot hot hooking up and you will not be let down because it is here!

This book is a great way to kick off your summer reading list. I suggest you read the whole series in order though. So if you haven't read the first two books, read those first and then finish with this one. I can't wait to see what these authors have in store for us next.

**ARC provided by Publisher**

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