
ARC Review: Devil's Kiss by Ella Frank

I couldn't wait to get Derek and Jordan's story after reading Finley by Ella Frank. These two had so much between them in that book that I knew there was so much more that needed to be told when it came to their story. I have to say that while there were times that I really loved Derek and Jordan in this book, there was also a lot that didn't work for me here. I wanted so badly to love their book, but unfortunately I had mixed feelings here and this one wasn't everything that I had been hoping for. 

Derek Pearson and Jordan Devaney are about as opposite as you can get. Though the attraction between them was instant, things between them have been complicated since the day they met. Starting off as student and teacher kept them from seeing where that attraction could go, but as time went on Derek and Jordan struggled with more than just how things were in the beginning. Years go by and Jordan and Derek find themselves in different places until it finally appears that they have a shot at exploring the connection between them. But what happens when one person finds himself wanting more than the other might be capable of giving?

I loved the heat between these two. The chemistry and attraction was there right from the start, and you could tell that when it came to the physical aspect of their relationship there would be no problems. But there was a lot of push and pull here and it got to the point that it was just too much for me. These two not only went back and forth constantly, but it truly felt like they were fighting for 95% of this book. I expected some of that seeing how they were in the previous book, but it was more than just tension here and Jordan made me really angry on more than one occasion. I was hoping that by the end of the story he would beg for Derek's forgiveness and I would feel like he had redeemed himself somewhere along the way. Unfortunately though that didn't happen, and I felt like what little he did do was too late and that at that point he didn't deserve Derek. 

I also felt like while it was great to see the history between these two, that the huge jumps in time gave this book a choppy feel. I understand that the author was trying to move the story along and just give the highlights, but it just felt like at times there was too much time in between events and it sort of drew me out of the story. While I could clearly see the chemistry and attraction between Derek and Jordan, I had trouble seeing the relationship between them as anything more than physical. There just wasn't as much emotional connection or depth as I needed to truly believe that these two had more than just lust between them. Overall, I did like Derek and Jordan when they were together. They were hot together and I thought that they had some really cute moments together. I also loved that Jordan was supportive of Derek and all that he had gone through with his family, but I just wish I had seen more of them working on being together rather than the constant fighting and push/pull that was going on. I think that this one had a ton of potential and just sort of got a bit lost along the way. I do hope that Ella Frank writes a story for Derek's roommate Dylan. I liked what we got to see of him here and would love to get to know him better. If you are a fan of Ella's and enjoyed Finley, I think that this one is worth the read. If this one sounds like something you might like though and you haven't read Finley yet, Devil's Kiss is a standalone and can be read with no problems.

**ARC Provided by Between the Sheets Promotions**

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