
ARC Review: A Walk in the Sun by Michelle Zink

I have been in a bit of a rut lately when it comes to reading, so I was really hoping that A Walk in the Sun by Michelle Zink would be the one to turn that around. It has such a gorgeous cover and the blurb really drew me in and made me want to read it. While I was drawn in right away, I ended up with mixed feelings on the story overall and this wasn't quite what I had been hoping for. 

After a tragedy strikes her family, Rose must rearrange her future and put her dreams on hold. Bodhi left home when he was young and has been working farm jobs ever since which allows him to travel. Bodhi was already looking forward to his next gig when he met Rose and it changed everything. Despite the attraction between them, they both know that with the end of summer approaching and Bodhi planning to leave in September will they be over before they really begin? 

I really liked both Rose and Bodhi. I thought that they were strong characters and they each had a lot that they were dealing with. With Rose having just lost her mom and being forced to help around the farm thought that was the last thing she wanted to do, you couldn't help but admire her. These two had a lot of chemistry and the connection between them was easy to see. Their relationship was more of a slow burn though, and there were times that it felt like things were taking a bit too long. 

The biggest issues I had though was the fact that this story while it had good moments, was also really cliched at times. There wasn't much that was new or different, the conflict was so typical and too easily resolved. It just felt like the same old story told too many times for me to really have much interest in what was happening. Because of that my interest waned and I found myself bored several times here. I had hoped that there would be something to stand out here since I did like the characters, but unfortunately for me this story was just okay. I think that a lot of readers will probably really enjoy this story, and it is worth giving a chance if it sounds like something you would like. This very well could just be a combination of the funk I am in and the sheer amount of books I read for why it was just okay for me personally and it could end up being one that others really love.

**ARC Provided by Publisher**

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