
Guest Post with Author Barbara DeLeo and Giveaway

Barbara DeLeo’s first book, co-written with her best friend, was a story about beauty queens in space. She was eleven, and the sole, handwritten copy was lost years ago, much to everyone’s relief. It’s some small miracle that she kept the faith and is now living her dream of writing sparkling contemporary romance with unforgettable characters.

After completing degrees in Psychology and English then travelling the world, Barbara married her winemaker hero and had two sets of twins.

She still loves telling stories about finding love in all the wrong places, with not a beauty queen or spaceship in sight.

It’s so great to be back on Ramblings with this Chick! This blog has a very special place in my heart as it was one of the first blogs I was on as a brand new author four years ago. Today I’m so excited to be back with my fifth book, and the second in my “Weddings in Westchester” series.

In “The Wedding Wager” Nick Katsalos is one of those infuriating people who likes to point out the mistakes in art, books and movies. Erin O’Malley’s always seen Nick as the cool and aloof guy who can win at everything but even she can’t believe someone could be so lacking in emotion that they’d find mistakes in Pretty Woman and even....The Fault in Our Stars!

Have you ever sat next to one of those people in the movie theatre? The one who notices if an outfit changes color or that they didn’t have light switches in nineteenth century China?

Here are a few of my favorite clangers courtesy of

And can you find the mistake in this shot from Downton Abbey?

Have you spotted some slip-ups and goofs yourself?

Nick Katsalos has a foolproof plan to save his parents' floundering wedding venue. The last thing he expects is for Erin O'Malley, the captivating daughter of his parents' biggest rival, to waltz in and charm the client who could finally get the family business back on track. Nick would be furious--if only he could stop thinking about her.

When Erin and Nick enter into a wager to determine who will win the contract she prepares for the worst...and is surprised by the glimpses of warmth she sees in the man behind the numbers. But Erin isn't about to forfeit what could be the biggest wedding of the decade to a man as cold as Nick. Especially since securing it means she could finally prove to her father she's just as capable of handling the family business as him.

But as the competition heats up, Erin and Nick must decide what's more important—winning or love.

Purchase: | Amazon | B&N | iTunes | Kobo |

Up For Grabs:
  • 1 $25 Amazon Gift Card

To Enter:
  • Have you spotted some slip-ups and goofs yourself?
  • Please fill out the Rafflecopter form.

Good Luck!

Special thanks to Barbara DeLeo for sponsoring this tour-wide giveaway.
a Rafflecopter giveaway


Anne said...

I see the Downton blooper (only because I knew there was one).

Sue G. said...

I see the blooper...but I wouldn't have unless I was told to look!

James Robert said...

I did find it but may not have unless I looked good

Marcy Meyer said...

Yes, I see the blooper in the picture. I have caught a few things here and there in movies. Bloopers like seeing the mic boom, a crew member or something out of place. It's always fun, like a Where's Waldo game.

dstoutholcomb said...

I love to catch bloopers in movies and tv shows. Sometimes, I even catch them in books.


Unknown said...

I always think its funny in some shows you'll see hair or a piece of clothing messed up then all the sudden its fixed.

Unknown said...

Yep I spotted one.

Mary Preston said...

It's fun to spot the errors.

Unknown said...

I really watch shows to be entertained, so I'm usually analyzing the scene;)

Anonymous said...

Thank you for the post and giveaway!

Ada said...

I don't usually catch any goofs but I love seeing them pointed out afterwards!

Mai T. said...

Question to the author: Do you work to an outline or plot or do you prefer just see where an idea takes you?

JenM said...

I never see bloopers - I'm not very observant. On the other hand, my husband is "that guy" who sees every single mistake in every movie. It's quite annoying.

Unknown said...

Anne, it took me AGES to see this one. Love it :)

Unknown said...

I never see them, either, Sue! It's great fun to look back on a movie once you've seen it without knowing.

Unknown said...

Hi James, have you noticed any in other movies?

Unknown said...

Just like a where's Waldo, Marcy! I had so much fum researching bloopers for this book.

Unknown said...

Oooh, I'd love to know the ones you've found in books, Denise. I sometimes have to double and triple check when I'm writing to make sure I got a car color right, or a door leading into the right room... :)

Unknown said...

Me too, Raeline. Don't google "Mistakes in Friends" whatever you do. There are so many in that show!

Unknown said...

Good spotting, Beth. Isn't the one with Brad Pitt funny!

Unknown said...

Hiya Mary! So great to see you again.

Unknown said...

Same with me, Jennifer...but then there are annoying people like Nick in The Wedding Wager to ruin all the fun...

Unknown said...

Me too, Ada. I could google them for hours :/

Unknown said...

Great question, Mai. I used to just let the story take me where it wanted but with this three book series I have to know which characters are coming in where, what their back story is etc, as it all has to flow. They do sometimes turn out quite different than I first expect, though!

Unknown said...

Ha, ha Jen. Your dear husband sounds very like Nick in this story. Gotta love 'em.

Jess1 said...

This post was so fun about the bloopers. Once or twice I caught a blooper, but usually I don't. When I do, it takes me out of the show, movie which I regret.

Anita H. said...

Wow, I don't pay nearly enough attention to catch those type of bloopers, usually I'm so involved in a movie, someone has to physically point it out for me to notice. Those are good ones!

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