
ARC Review: Filthy Foreign Exchange 2 by S.E. Hall and Angela Graham

Filthy Foreign Exchange 2 continues the story of Echo and Kingston. S.E. Hall and Angela Graham had me anxious for more after the cliffhanger of the first book, and I needed more of these characters! If you haven't read the first book in the series, you will need to start there. If you have already read and enjoyed the first book though, this one is a must read! I really enjoyed the conclusion to Kingston and Echo's story and I can't wait to read more from these two authors! 

Echo Kelly is headed to the UK for a backpacking trip after having her heart broken by Kingston. She is determined to forget the past and move on, but when she comes face to face with Kingston she learns that things between them are far from over. Not only are her feelings still there, but Kingston isn't willing to walk away from her again. As her tour guide, Kingston intends to show Echo that not everything was as it seemed and that they belong together.

I really loved the connection and chemistry between these two in the first book and it was stronger than ever here! Kingston and Echo were so perfect for one another, and I love how sweet they could be with one another. I also love their interactions, and how different they are than any other I have read before! Their messages through the steam and showers is something so unique, and I just couldn't get enough of them! I was so glad to see that we got more of that here, even if it wasn't as much as the first book. I just can't say enough about these two, but they are one of my favorite book couples and I would have been happy for their story to have gone on much longer. 

I have to say that as much as I loved Kingston and Echo, I loved Natalie just as much! I was so glad to see Echo get a friend here that was actually a friend to her, and I really loved her! She was so much fun, and I really like the direction her and Echo's brother Sebastian are heading in! I would love to get more of them, and I really hope that they get their own story in the future. It would be great to get to know them better as well as see more of Echo and Kingston. I will say that I felt like with the first book that the title wasn't quite right, and that felt true here as well. When you hear filthy, you think it is going to be really erotic or super dirty and that just wasn't the case with either of these books. Don't get me wrong, there was plenty of heat, but I do think that these were a bit misleading with the titles and could have been better named. These books were hot, but they were also really sweet and just genuinely good stories for those that love NA romance. I would recommend this series, and I am looking forward to reading more from S.E. Hall and Angela Graham in the future.

**ARC Provided by Love Affair With Fiction**

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