
ARC Review: Hartstrings by L.L. Collins

Hartstrings is the first book that I have read from L.L. Collins. It is the third book in her Jaded Regret series, but each book can be read as a standalone story. The characters are interconnected, but I had no problems understanding anything here. I really liked this book, and I will definitely read more from L.L. Collins again in the future. This book wasn't always easy to get through, and my heart broke for these characters at times. But I was so glad that I read it and stuck through the difficult parts. 

Tanner Hart is known for being a player of more than just the guitar for the band Jaded Regret. Thought to be the All-American bad boy of the band, Tanner's life couldn't be more different. But no one knows about his past, and he is happy to keep it that way. But when he comes across a bad situation and meets Mackenzie Shepard, he can't stop himself from rushing in to save her. Mackenzie isn't looking to be rescued though and knows that trying to get out is impossible. But when Tanner refuses to give up, Mackenzie and Tanner begin to form a friendship that changes both of their lives. 

I really liked Tanner. I felt so badly for him and all that he had been through. My heart really hurt for him and how alone he was. He might have looked like he had it all, but there was so much that no one knew about. I was glad that he found Mac and was able to open up to her. I have to say that I wasn't the biggest fan of Mac most of the time though. I have never been in her situation and I tried not to judge her. But there were times that I just didn't understand her and the choices she made, and it frustrated me a bit. I also found it hard to relate to her at times because of that. These two did have chemistry and you could see that they were building a connection and I wanted them to be together. 

Ultimately though, I felt like their relationship did come off as a bit rushed. Things seemed to just steamroll ahead once they started to change, and it just felt like a switch had been flipped from friends to more. Don't get me wrong I liked them together and how things ended, it just felt like it changed overnight and I would have liked to have seen a bit more of that transition that it felt like we missed here. Overall though this was a really good story, and I am looking forward to reading more in this series. If you are a fan of rockstar romance stories with some depth and emotion to them, I would definitely recommend giving this one a shot. Hartstrings made my heart hurt at times, but it also built me back up and showed that there is always hope and love can always heal even the most broken of people.

**ARC Provided by Inkslinger PR**

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