
ARC Review: Interference by Sophia Henry

Interference is the third book in the Pilots Hockey series by Sophia Henry. Each book in the series is a standalone story, however fans of the series will recognize familiar faces since the characters are connected. Don't worry about starting here though if you haven't read the series as you do not need to read these in order to enjoy them. I have to say that while I have liked each of the books I have read in this series, I haven't loved them. I really thought that was going to be different here, but I ended up having some mixed feelings when all was said and done here. Good story and I did enjoy it, but it wasn't as great as it could have been. 

Linden "Indie" Meadows is a single mother that is fiercely protective of her family. So when her brother's new hockey coach yells at him and benches him during a game, she gives him a piece of her mind. But Jason Taylor is more than just the new hockey coach, he spends his days working as a police officer in their small town while working towards his goal of some day being able to get on the force in Detroit. Though Indie and Jason get off on the wrong foot, the chemistry between them is smoking and they decide to see where things go. But with Jason wanting to move, Indie being a single mom not looking to leave, and Indie's ex trying to get back in the picture...can they possibly have a future together?

I liked both Indie and Jason. Jason was so great with Indie's son Holden. He was sweet and caring, and I loved that he was very natural with him. He didn't trying to treat him like a baby or take the place of his father. He was just so good with him and it was really cute to watch. Indie was strong and had made some tough choices, but she didn't view them as decisions that needed to be made. She just did what she felt was right and the best she could for her family. I liked how her son was always first and that she was so close to her family. Same with Jason and his family. You could tell just how much family meant to each of them, and it was one of the many things that they had in common. These two had great chemistry, and I really loved seeing them spend time together as they built a connection. 

I will say though that while I liked them, I didn't love this story. I thought that there were several things that were predictable and there wasn't really any new ground broken here. This series might be the Pilots Hockey series, but each book has been pretty light on the actual hockey taking place. If you are looking for a sports romance story with a lot of action and hockey, these probably aren't going to be for you. I also felt like the situation with Tim went mostly unresolved, and what little we did get was unrealistic. The bar situation at the end didn't make much sense, and things just sort of disappeared after that. It felt like a ton of build up for nothing, and I wish that we had seen how everything with Tim played out. Overall, this one was just okay. I felt like it had some potential but ultimately was one that wasn't memorable. I really liked the characters and the strong sense of family for them, but that wasn't enough to carry the story for me.

**ARC Provided by Publisher**

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Sophia Rose said...

I liked the first book in the series, meh about the second. I don't know if I'll read this one, but it does sound cute the way he is with her son.

Casey said...

I haven't read the first but felt the same way you did about the second. This one was pretty much the same. He was cute with her son, but there were still a lot of things that didn't really work for me.

Casey said...
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