
ARC Review: Just a Girl by Ellie Cahill

Just a Girl is the second book that I have read from Ellie Cahill. It is a standalone story and I did enjoy it for the most part. Just like Call Me, Maybe though, I did have a few things that kept me from loving the story. There was a lot of potential, but I just felt like something was missing here that I couldn't quite put my finger on. 

After Presley Mason gets kicked out of the band that she helped start, she heads home to help her parents run their music store. There she meets guitar teacher Paul Kellerman. Presley soon finds out that Paul has a band, but has been struggling with stage fright. But when his band's lead singer gets called into service, they beg Presley to fill in. Though Presley swore she would never mix music and men again after her ex kicked her out of her own band, she finds herself torn between whether or not to take a chance.

I liked both Presley and Paul. I thought that they were cute together and they fit well together. But I do think that things felt a bit surface deep here. I wanted more depth and I didn't think that I was seeing a strong connection form. Things between them seemed to progress so quickly that I just couldn't fully buy into it as much as I wanted to. I did think that they had good chemistry though, and I think that they were right for each other I just wanted to see more of that.

Overall, this was a good story but not one that was very unique or different. This is one that I enjoyed while reading it, but won't be one that I remember much in the long run. I did like Presley's parents a lot and there were some really fun moments in this book. But while I liked this one, I didn't love it. If you are looking for something quick and easy to read, this one is worth giving a shot. Even with the issues I had, I did enjoy this story and I would read more from Ellie Cahill in the future.

**ARC Provided by Publisher**

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