
ARC Review: Learning Curves by Cathryn Fox

This book is short in terms of pages but long on entertainment. I really enjoyed this story from beginning to end and I only wished it had lasted longer. Learning Curves is about Linc and Lauren. Lauren is cast as the girl who was to boring to keep her the attention of her ridiculous/vain ex (I'm talking dude was checking himself out in the mirror on the sly). Linc is the smoking hot billionaire who has the good sense to see Lauren for the sexually repressed wild woman that she really is. The problem for these two is that Linc is...well, you know, a manhoe and Lauren is not impressed by it. 

At the very beginning of the book Link and Lauren make a bet that Lauren loses (but wins for the greater good). Lauren learns right away how much Linc actually wanted her and the two wind up on a steamy weekend. The book goes by fast but it becomes clear that the couple needs to sort out if they are together because of the bet or because there is something more between them. While that gets worked out we have a sweet romance that develops and some very hot sexy times.

I walked away liking both Linc and Lauren. My favorite thing is how Linc helps Lauren to stand up to her super douche of an ex. This book is just a short good time all around.

**ARC provided by Publisher**

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