
ARC Review: One True Loves by Taylor Jenkins Reid

I have loved everything I have read from Taylor Jenkins Reid. I was really excited about getting this book because the blurb just drew me in as soon as I read it. Taylor Jenkins Reid has a way with words that is unlike any author I have read before, and her stories are truly unique. I love how different each one is, and the fact that while the stories are never easy they are so true to life. Each one is a journey and they are so real and believable, bringing the reader situations that make us face truths we might not always want to. 

Emma Blair married her high school sweetheart when they were young and the two of them planned their life together. But when Jesse's helicopter goes missing and he is presumed dead, Emma is forced to move forward with her life. She quits her job and moves back home, letting herself finally begin the healing process. Now years later she has finally found happiness in her old friend Sam, and they are now engaged and planning their own future together. But when Emma gets a call from Jesse letting her know that he is alive, Emma's entire future changes yet again. Forced to face the fact that she loves both Jesse and Sam, Emma will have to figure out who she is and what her heart truly wants. 

This book was a really emotional read for me. My heart was torn in so many directions. I really loved Emma, and I truly felt for her situation and all she was going through. She had truly loved Jesse, and their love was one that wasn't easily forgotten. It was right for her in her 20s and what they had was real. But she was also in love with Sam, and what they had was right for her in her 30s. It was just as real as the love she had for Jesse. Emma had to really dig deep here and figure out not only who she was and who she would be in the future, but also who she was supposed to be with. There was no easy solution here, and you just knew that someone was going to wind up getting hurt. Though I had my favorite for her as her life was moving forward, both of these guys had a lot that would be hard to let go of and were ones she could have easily been with. I wont say who she ended up with, but I truly believe that things worked out exactly as they should have here. 

Overall, this book was fantastic! If you haven't read anything by Taylor Jenkins Reid yet, you absolutely should. I will tell you that her stories aren't your typical romance books, but to me that is what makes them so amazing. I love how her books make you think and are truly an experience. I am always emotionally involved and though they aren't always light and easy, they are so worth the read every time. One True Loves is definitely one of the best books I have read recently, and this one might even be my favorite from Taylor Jenkins Reid yet. It is hard to pick a favorite of hers, but this book is so beautiful and I couldn't put it down! I highly recommend this book, or any of Taylor's other books. I already can't wait to see what she writes next!

**ARC Provided by Publisher**

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