
ARC Review: Rake's Redemption by Chantal Fernando

I have read every book and the one novella in this 5 book series about the Wind Dragon Motorcycle Club and their women. I loved the first two books but I was disappointed with the third book and with the one novella. I'm familiar with Rake's character from the other books though and there was no way I was going to pass up the chance to get his story. I'm glad I didn't because this book was absolutely a return to everything I love about this series.

If you've read any of the other books in the series you know that Rake is a seriously kinky bossy alpha male who likes to tie up his women. And yes I mean that plural because he often had more than one at a time tied up. There had been hints that he had some great love in his past and that things went seriously left. In this book we meet her, Bailey, and she has a son. In a departure from books with this theme, Bailey's son was not Rake's but was the happy result of a very unhappy spiral she fell into after her first breakup with Rake/Adam.

I really liked Bailey. The thing that drove her and Adam apart was also proof of how much she loved Adam and how much she wanted to protect him. Her wanting to protect the man she loved- who totally did not deserve it, combined with her toughness and love for her son made her one of my favorite of the women from this series. I also liked that Bailey pretty quickly embraced the MC life instead of being like some of the heroines in these books and acting like she was too good for it.

I already love the Wind Dragons. They are a bunch of bossy alpha males who do whatever they have to do to protect their women and I'm sooo here for it. Rake was no exception. He was a grade A jackass to Bailey but it was clear he had some inner turmoil to deal with. Even when he still wanted to hate Bailey, Adam's protective instincts were on 10. I think that's what really got me about this book, none of the love was lost between Adam and Bailey. Even though crazy bad things happened, the love remained untarnished. It survived everything which gave the book a really hopeful tone.

So yeah get this book and enjoy all the things that make this series generally great.

**ARC provided by Publisher**

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