
ARC Review: Revenge by C.A. Harms

Revenge is the third book in the Phoenix Undercover series by C.A. Harms. This book is not a standalone and should only be read if you have read the previous two books as it is the continuation of Josh and Gabby's story. After reading the first two books, I couldn't wait to see how things would play out here for these characters and it was good to see all of them again in Revenge. There were times here that I was frustrated, but ultimately this was a good conclusion to this series. 

After all that they have been through Gabby and Josh are together and planning for their future. But while they were moving forward with their lives Josh's undercover case put not only Josh and Gabby in danger, but the life of their unborn son. Determined to do whatever it takes to keep his family safe, Josh throws himself into his work in order to finally take down Leo. But as determined as Josh is to find Leo and protect his family, Leo is just as determined to finally get his hands on Gabby once and for all. Can Josh save both Gabby and his son before it is too late, or will Leo finally get what he has been after all along?

I have to admit that I was really upset with Josh for the majority of this book. While the feelings between Gabby and Josh were still there and as strong as ever, Josh all but abandoned Gabby and his unborn child here. He threw himself into the case and got so caught up in taking Leo down that he seemed to neglect Gabby and his family. The connection between them seemed to suffer a bit, and I think that was due to the fact that these two spent almost this entire book apart or with a ton of distance between them. I got that the situation was dangerous and that his job was important, but I just felt like there was this huge disconnect here and the spark between them had been dimmed compared to the previous books. 

While I was a bit disappointed with Josh and how things went for him and Gabby throughout this book, I did like how things ended up. It was great to see things wrapped up for these characters as well as see some familiar faces with Josh's friends and Gabby's family. I liked them a lot and while at times I did feel like they took over a bit, I felt like they were important to the story. I was still a bit torn on Gabby's sister Audrey because while I wanted to like her and forgive all that had happened, the situation from the first book has never completely left my mind. But I did feel like Gabby and Josh belonged together after everything, so I was glad that they were able to work through everything that had happened. While I liked the conclusion to this story, I didn't love it. I would rate this one somewhere between 3.5 and 4 stars because I just couldn't help but feel like Josh really acted poorly here, despite his intentions. While I have liked this series and thought that the potential was there, I will admit that it wasn't my favorite from C.A. Harms. It is still worth the read (as are all her books), but I just felt like this one wasn't quite what I had hoped for to close out the series. I am hoping that C.A. Harms will give us more of Gabby's sisters, I would especially love to see more for Brooklynn. I am really loving where things were with her here, and think that there is definitely more story to tell there. I really do enjoy everything I read from C.A. Harms though, and I recommend giving her books a shot if you haven't already.

**ARC Provided by Enticing Journey Book Promotions**

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