
ARC Review: His to Protect by Stacey Lynn

This is a solid damsel in distress contemporary romance novel. If you like books in this genre, you will love this one. If you are looking for something edgy and out of the box, this probably isn't the book for you but this is a reliable installment in the genre to which it belongs.

Declan stumbles on Trina digging through his trash and is instantly attracted to her. Despite the fact that Trina is all up in the garbage, Declan can tell that she is someone from better means. It turns out Trina is running away from an abusive husband who has a lot of power and influence. Declan is determined to do everything he can to protect her from ex-crazy. The thing I like about Declan and Trina is that he takes her in but the relationship is reciprocal. Trina doesn't just take advantage of Declan's kindness, she contributes to his life and to his business.

The other thing I like about the main couple is their maturity. I enjoy drama and angst as much as the next girl but sometimes you need people to say what they mean and mean what they say. In this book Declan recognizes when he starts to develop feelings for Trina and clearly communicates with her. I loved that Declan was protective enough of Trina to realize that she might not be ready for a relationship and then to wait on her. I also liked that Trina was not broken by her prior relationship. She took a chance on being able to find the kind of love she really wanted with Declan.

The only reason this book wasn't a 4 star ranking for me is that it just didn't have any extra zing. I really liked the book but I feel like I won't be able to distinguish these characters from any of the hundreds I read about. I still recommend this book for all you damsel in distress fans.

**ARC provided by Publisher**

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