
ARC Review: One Week to Score by Kate Meader

One Week to Score is the third book in the Tall, Dark, and Texan series by Kate Meader. This is my first book by her and can easily be read as a standalone story, though the books in this series are interconnected. I really enjoyed this story, and I liked the characters a lot. After reading this book, I will definitely be reading more from Kate Meader in the future. I can't wait to go back and read the previous books in this series. 

Olivia Kane just found her fiance hooking up with her maid of honor on her wedding day, and heads to the hotel bar to drown her sorrows and maybe find a hook-up of her own. But when her brother's best friend and the man who broke her heart shows up, her day goes from bad to worse. Flynn Cross has no intention of letting Olivia find comfort in the arms of another man, and he sets out to make sure that if she is looking for sex it will be with him. He follows her on her honeymoon, and they begin a week filled with pleasure. What starts out as them fulfilling their forbidden desires they have always fantasized about but never acted on quickly turns to more, and soon both Flynn and Olivia are wondering if there is something more between them. But Flynn's secrets could destroy everything they are building, and the truth always comes out in the end.

I really liked both Flynn and Olivia. I hated how he had hurt her before, but the more we got to see of Flynn the easier it was to see why he had done the things he did. It didn't excuse his actions, but I did feel for him. He was sweet and sexy, and the perfect match for Olivia. Olivia was strong and easy to like and relate to. She hadn't had the easiest childhood, despite the wealth and status of her family and I loved that Flynn had always seen how great she was. These two had so much chemistry between them, but they also had a great connection. Their relationship had been easy and filled with friendship and so much more, even if they had never acted on it. I really enjoyed seeing them explore that side of their connection though, and I couldn't get enough of them together. 

Overall, I really enjoyed this book and read it pretty much straight through. It was sexy and sweet, and really funny! I was surprised just how witty these two were and I had such a great time with their banter. They were so much fun to read about, and this book was exactly what I had been looking for. It was light and easy to lose myself in for a few hours, while also being filled with enough steam to keep me flipping the pages and hungry for more. I liked these two so much and I would highly recommend this to anyone looking for a great contemporary read. I look forward to reading more from Kate Meader in the future and I am excited to go back and read the previous books, especially Olivia's brother's story.

**ARC Provided by Publisher**

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