
ARC Review: Burn Down the Night by M. O'Keefe

I really enjoyed the first two books in the Everything I Left Unsaid series, but I wanted more after finishing the second book. While Burn Down the Night is about a different couple than the first two books, it was great to return to this world that M. O'Keefe created. I was so curious to get more of Max, and Burn Down the Night was a great addition to this series. 

Joan/Olivia is determined to do whatever it takes to find her sister. Even if it means posing as a stripper and blowing up the strip club. But when she drags a very injured Max into her car, she sees the perfect opportunity. Joan offers to give Max a place to recover and hide out and in return he would help to rescue her sister from the cult that has her. But soon the tables begin to turn and Joan realizes that she isn't as in charge as she thought. With both Joan and Max playing with fire, is it only a matter of time before they get burned?  

These characters were so fascinating to me. They each had so much depth and I loved that there was so much more to them than first meets the eye. This world is raw and gritty, and these characters are strong. Joan was a great heroine and I loved that she wasn't afraid to do what it took for her sister. Max was stubborn and tough, and while I wasn't sure about him in the first two books of the series, I really enjoyed getting to see beneath the surface here. These two had a ton of chemistry, and I couldn't get enough of the dynamic between them. 

While this book can be read as a standalone story, I highly recommend reading the first two books as well. I think that those books provide a lot of insight into these characters, especially Max and they are definitely worth the read. Once I started this book, I couldn't put it down. This one kept me on the edge of my seat, and I already can't wait for more.

**ARC Provided by Publisher**

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Sue G. said...

I agree...I loved this one! These two characters are both so flawed, but the same way! They deserved their happy ending!

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