
ARC Review: Behind Closed Doors by J.L. Berg

Behind Closed Doors is a standalone contemporary novel by J.L. Berg. While you do not need to read any other books to understand this story, fans of Berg's Walls Duet will recognize Roman as well as some interconnected characters. After reading the Walls Duet, I was intrigued by Roman and wanted more of him. While there were things that I liked about this book, this one wasn't exactly what I had been expecting.

Running a business isn't easy, and Roman makes it his top priority to succeed. So if that makes him a jerk, he has no problems with that. But when his assistant goes on leave, his new temp Cara challenges him in ways he never expected. She should have been off-limits, but he soon finds himself unable to stay away from her. 

As I said before, I liked Roman in the Walls Duet and couldn't wait to get to know him better. While I do feel as though we got to see more of him here as it was his story, I still feel as though I don't really know him. It just felt like there wasn't a lot of depth to him, despite the potential for it. He did have a different side to him here than what fans will have previously seen, but ultimately it wasn't enough for me. I also felt like I wasn't really able to relate to Cara either. Not that she was unlikable, because that wasn't the case, but I just couldn't really connect with her and I struggled to see a real bond forming between her and Roman. They had chemistry, but a lot of this story just didn't really go beyond the physical attraction for me. 

I think part of what had me struggling here was that there was quite a bit that we learned about through Cara or Roman describing, rather than actually experiencing it with them. Because of that I felt a bit detached from the story and would have preferred for things to happen in the present by them being shown to us rather than told. It was just hard to feel invested in the story when it felt like the reader wasn't emotionally connected to what was happening. Overall, there were still some really good moments and I did enjoy seeing more of some familiar faces. But if i'm being honest, this wasn't the story I had been hoping for when it came to getting more of Roman.

**ARC Provided by Inkslinger PR**

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