
ARC Review: Change of Heart by Nicole Jacquelyn

Unbreak My Heart was the first book that I ever read by Nicole Jacqueline, and I absolutely loved it! As soon as I had finished I couldn't wait to get Anita and Bram's story! Change of Heart was just as good as Unbreak My Heart and I could not put it down. I am really loving this series, and I already can't wait to read more from Nicole Jacqueline. 

Anita and Bram have never gotten along, always disagreeing and arguing with one another. But after years of anger and fighting, one night everything changes and the two find themselves unable to stop the rush of passion that they feel. Soon Anita and Bram are seeking each other out in private for more, but what starts as a strictly physical need soon turns into more. When Anita makes a life changing decision though, Bram knows that he can't be what Anita needs. But by the time he realizes the consequences of his own decision, he soon sees that he might be too late as Anita is determined to be strong and move forward even if that means that she is alone.

I loved the heat and chemistry between these two! There was a ton of tension in the first book between them, leaving the reader anxious for more of them. It was no surprise to me that it not only continued here, but was even more intense. Bram and Anita had so much between them and I could tell that it was going to be explosive when they finally gave in. What I loved the most though was seeing them build something beyond just that physical attraction. These two had never been close, and they had rarely seen eye to eye. But they were able to let one another in here and it didn't take long for either of them to see that there was so much more once they stopped fighting so much. I loved seeing the tender side to each of them, and how they were able to comfort and support one another when no one else could. These two went through a lot here, and there was absolutely no one else that either of these two belonged with than each other. 

Overall, I am really loving this series. Once I start each book, I find myself lost in this world that Nicole Jacquelyn has created and I don't want to leave. I love these characters, and the family that she has created. I especially love that this series is about a family that they have created and chosen, rather than one that is by blood or birth. The fact that they are family due to fostering and adoption just shows that you don't have to be biologically related to love one another, and I think that is a great message that everyone can relate to. I will say that this series is an emotional as well as steamy one, and there was something that broke my heart here. I was so sad about it, and I couldn't help but feel for these characters. I need to know what happens from here for them all and I will anxiously be waiting for the next book from Nicole Jacquelyn. I absolutely loved Ani and Bram though, and I highly recommend these books if you haven't read them yet.

**ARC Provided by Publisher**

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