
ARC Review: Wicked Bond by Sawyer Bennett

This is the fifth book in the series about the Silo sex club, it's members and employees. This installment is the story of own of the two Silo Owners, Bridger, and the young mother he falls for, Maggie. Here's the thing, I've read and generally enjoyed all of the books in this series. I think I've said this before and I will offer this word of advice again: These books are super freaky. If you are a light weight when it comes to erotic content or you like hardcore vanilla stuff, this series and this book probably aren't for you. I'm a serious erotic romance reader and even I blush at some of the stuff in these books. So you've been warned. If you have fragile panties, stay away from this series.

For all the rest of you, I think you will enjoy this book. I was surprised by how deeply emotional this book felt. When I think back about the series, I guess all of the books have had serious emotional components but Bridger's back story was just so agonizing to me. The book starts out with a description of how Bridger was abused as a teen. As the book goes on we learn more and more about the abuse he suffered and the kind of horrible things he went through even after escaping his abuser. Whenever we've seen Bridger in other books, he's been the stoic sex machine with randomly deep insights on life. In this book he is still a stoic sex machine but we find out why. He has very little insight about his own life or value as a human being and that was really something to discover as well.

As for Maggie, that is another interesting story. Maggie is a flawed heroine. She was a wild child who "escaped" her parents only to use her body to get by in life. I found it really interesting that both Maggie and Bridger could admit that they operated as if sex was only valuable for what it could get them. Maggie has discovered the error of her ways because she winds up with a child with a complete psycho. What I liked most about Maggie was that she was resilient. Bridger was a complete hot emotional mess. He hurt Maggie, of course, but she was able to rebound from the hurt and see his need for real healing.

In the background of this story is Maggie's psycho ex who is looking for her and her daughter. That adds a little thrill and some action to the plot and reduces some of the angst. The book still veers towards the angsty side and some of the stuff with Maggie's ex didn't make total sense to me. Those were very small issues overall that do not change the fact that this book is my recommended reading list.

**ARC provided by Author**

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Sue G. said...

I was really surprised at how emotional this book was. My heart just ached for Bridger.

Kristin (Book Sniffers Anonymous) said...

I read her Sugar Daddy book and loved it. It didn't have a lot of kink to it though. I've read some erotica. It's mostly Roni Loren stuff. So, I don't think I have fragile panties. LoL I will have to add this series to my list. It sounds like it's got a lot going on... in a good way. :)

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