
Feature and Giveaway: The 48-Hour Hookup by Sarah Ballance

Who knew a sweaty photo would be good for business?

Now unwanted booty calls are coming in as fast as work orders, and Liam Chase needs to get away. Cue a job upstate. His new client is hot as hell, but he left NYC to escape attention, not to hook up with the city’s “Runaway Bride”.

With three disastrous relationships under her belt, it’s clear Claire Stevens’s judgment sucks. And what’s she’s feeling for America’s newest sex god? Obviously another hormone-fueled mistake.

But when she accidentally fells a tree on his truck, leaving them stranded in a winter storm with a chocolate-snatching raccoon, there’s something to be said for body heat.

Too bad neither can trust their explosive chemistry…

Each book in the Chase Brothers series is a standalone, full-length story that can be enjoyed out of order.

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Check out the Chase Brothers series:

Liam shook his head. “I’m guessing I won’t get through to the B&B where I have reservations. I prepaid, so they won’t be out anything, but if someone needs the room, I’d hate for the front desk to hold it for me.”

“Try a text if all else fails,” Claire suggested. “They usually keep spinning and eventually go through even when the reception is bad.” She was surprised by how calm she sounded. Because now, somehow, he was going to spend the night.

With her.

She’d fantasized about the man. She could not sleep with him. Near him, she quickly corrected. The fireplace might be massive, but so was the room it was in. Without working heat, the only comfortable spot was right near the fire. The two of them, near the fire, in a snowstorm.

Her and the only guy she’d actually thought about since her latest ex, because the previously unnamed Liam Chase was safely in her head. Just an obscenely gorgeous man, a little sweat-soaked, a little dirty, who’d stared at her from that meme and promised to make all those unspoken fantasies come true with zero chance that he’d mock her or talk to the press.

Talk about a dream shattered.

Not that seeing him in person was anything less than dream-worthy, but her body hadn’t gotten the memo about how bad of an idea that attraction had suddenly become. Her body remembered orgasms and was wretchedly excited to see a potential catalyst for them in the flesh.

“I’m sorry you’re stuck here,” she said. “I didn’t expect this.”

“Believe me,” he muttered. “I didn’t either. I sleep naked.”

Her jaw may have unhinged slightly. He couldn’t have thought his statement innocuous, but he didn’t seem to have meant anything by it. Nevertheless, her heart rate kicked up a notch while her stupendously misdirected brain tried to piece together Naked Liam from Hot HVAC Guy. “You’ll be…cold.”

Oh, that was just brilliant. They were sitting there her truck in an actual blizzard, and she felt the need to inform him that his underwear would have been to key to staying warm.

He blinked. For a long time. More like he closed his eyes and couldn’t look at her, but at any rate, when he did meet her gaze, he looked almost as embarrassed as she felt. “I’m not going to sleep naked now,” he said.

“Oh.” She could have kicked herself. She prided herself on handling live interviews with aplomb, and here she was with him stammering like a pre-teen staring down her favorite celebrity. “When you sleep later, I mean.”

“I’m just generally not going to sleep naked,” he said. “Not like this. I didn’t mean you needed to worry.”

“I wasn’t worried. I was…concerned. Frostbite, you know.”

He gave her a serious look that led her to believe he might share her concerns. Then he said, “Which appendage had you concerned?”

Sarah and her husband of what he calls “many long, long years” live on the mid-Atlantic coast with their six young children, all of whom are perfectly adorable when they’re asleep. She never dreamed of becoming an author, but as a homeschooling mom, she often jokes she writes fiction because if she wants anyone to listen to her, she has to make them up. As it turns out, her characters aren’t much better than the kids, but nevertheless, you’ll find her writing sexy contemporary romance for Entangled Publishing until they throw her out. To learn more, visit

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Good Luck!

Special thanks to Sarah Ballance & IndieSage PR for sponsoring this tour-wide giveaway.
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girlygirlhoosier52 said...

Amazing! Thanks for sharing!!

Unknown said...

I love the cover, fun & flirty. Thanks for the excerpt!

Unknown said...

I love the cover, fun & flirty. Thanks for the excerpt!

Sue G. said...

This story sounds adorable! Thanks!

erin said...

looks and sounds like a lot of fun! Thanks for sharing :)

LauraJJ said...

Oh this looks like such a funny romantic read! I love when they really do not like each other at first...and then fall for each other.

Unknown said...

This sounds really cute! Thanks for sharing :)

K Angeles said...

Loved the excerpt! Can't wait to read the book.

EvelynS said...

That was a great excerpt!! Looking forward the reading this book!

Glenda said...

Great cover and funny excerpt! Thanks!

Amanda Lea said...

I enjoy a clever book! Thanks

Mary Preston said...

Love the sound of this.

Lilypadchavez said...

I love that "frostbite" bit lol!

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