
Feature and Giveaway: The Darkest Link by Scarlett Cole

When her car breaks down off the side of a lonely highway far from her sunny Miami home, tattoo artist Lia never expected her very own white knight to ride up on the back of a barely street-legal motorcycle...and she never expected to fall for her dark savior. After a string of failed relationships and a bruised heart Lia is not looking for forever, and the hot mechanic, with his sexy scruff and shaggy hair, is simply impossible to resist. He's the perfect candidate for a mind-blowingly-perfect, no-strings-attached one-night stand.

Reid left his life in Chicago far behind him and hasn't been back, but he's never been able to escape the guilt he feels about his own painful role in inviting a monster into his baby sister's life. A monster who almost destroyed her. Being with Lia is an unexpected gift, one he doesn't feel he deserves, and their one night together has him wanting more than he should. When he surprises her at her tattoo studio, Second Circle Tattoos, in Miami, he's in for a shock—and a fist to the face—when his past and present collide.

With secrets coming to the surface, Reid and Lia are thrown into a world of betrayal and lies that threatens to pull them under, and the last link to his former life may be the darkest of them all.

Purchase: | Amazon | B&N | iTunes |


Reid spun and grabbed onto his bike. Before he could regain his bearings or understand what the hell had just happened, his assailant was on him again. “Where the fuck were you?” the man shouted.

There was no way in hell he was going to allow the shit to be kicked out of him on a Miami sidewalk, and he definitely didn’t want Lia embroiled in whatever craziness was going down. Reid found his feet, pivoted on the spot, and nailed his attacker in the stomach.

“Trent,” Lia shouted. “What the hell? Harper, stop him.”

Trent? Her boss? He looked at the guy, who was currently doubled over.

“Trent,” another woman shouted, rushing from inside the studio. He followed the voice, and all sense of feeling disappeared from his hands and feet, leaving his head spinning with confusion.

Standing on the sidewalk in front of him, a thousand miles from where he’d left her in the safety of their parents, was his sister, Taylor. That was as far as he got in assessing the parallel universe he’d just stepped into before Trent’s fist again made contact with the side of his face, sending him crashing into the studio window.

Copyright © 2016 by Scarlett Cole

Scarlett Cole is a writer of contemporary romance and a two-time RITA finalist. Her debut, THE STRONGEST STEEL, has already become an Amazon best seller in romantic suspense, was a Best Debut Goodreads Author Finalist 2015, and Authors On The Air Global Radio Network Contemporary Romance Pick of 2015.

When Scarlett isn't writing, she spends her time reading, hoarding mason jars, and working out to off-set an epic sour candy habit. She likes hot men, cold beer, and expensive shoes.

Having travelled the world for work and fun, Scarlett is a citizen of both Britain and Canada. A true city-dweller, she considers Toronto and Manchester home and likes to set her books in vibrant locations such as Miami and Los Angeles.

Up For Grabs:
  • 2 $25 Amazon Gift Cards
  • 1 eBook set of the Second Circle Tattoos series 

To Enter:
  • Please fill out the Rafflecopter form.

Good Luck! 

Special thanks to Scarlett Cole & Barclay Publicity for sponsoring this tour-wide giveaway.
a Rafflecopter giveaway


Jan Hougland said...

I just got introduced to Scarlett's writing on the Just Romantic Suspense blog yesterday. I bought the first one in this series and I'm really looking forward to reading it. Thanks for your post!

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