
ARC Review: Beneath These Shadows by Meghan March

Beneath These Shadows is the sixth standalone novel in the Beneath series by Meghan March. While each book can be read on it's own, the characters are connected and are best if read in order. I have most of this series, and I have enjoyed each book that I have read. That was the case here too, and I think new readers will enjoy this one just as much as fans of this series will. 

Bishop has never been one to put down roots. He drifts from one city to the next, inking clients along the way. But when he gets to New Orleans and meets Eden, everything changes. Where Eden is innocent, Bishop is not. But he helps her out and the two quickly discover a connection between them that they never expected.

I liked both Bishop and Eden. I loved them together and the chemistry between them was strong. As the daughter of a crime boss, Eden had grown up being told what to do and not having much freedom, so it was great to see her start to come into her own. She really started to grow and change with Bishop's help, and I enjoyed that. Bishop was interesting and I liked getting to know him here. I will say that I did find it hard at times to connect with these two, and I didn't feel as invested in these two as I have with characters in previous books of this series. It wasn't that I didn't like them, because I did, I just didn't feel that same pull that I typically do with a Meghan March story. 

I also felt like things were a bit cliched at times here and there wasn't really anything new or truly unique about the story. So while I liked it, I didn't love it. I do think that there was a lot to like here though, and fans of the series will enjoy seeing familiar faces as well as getting to know both Eden and Bishop. I was interested to see how everything would play out and Meghan March definitely knows how to bring the steam with her stories. So while this wasn't my favorite of the series, I do recommend this book to fans as well as those that haven't read any of the series yet. Meghan March is a great writer and I recommend checking her books out if you haven't already. I know I will read more from her in the future and look forward to seeing what she comes up with next.

**ARC Provided by Inkslinger PR**

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