
ARC Review: The Exposure by Tara Sue Me

This is the 9th book in the submissive series and I had been waiting for this.We meet the two characters in this book in other books in the series and they both seem really compelling. By way of background, you don't have to read the other books in the series to read this one. I haven't read any of the books in this series in order. I really liked a couple of the books and I was sort of meh about others, So now you know my personal history with the series. I can tell you that no matter how I've felt about specific books in the series, I have always, this book included, found Tara Sue Me to be an above average writer with a skill for delivering superior erotic content and great character driven stories.

In this book, we finally get the story of Meagan and Luke. We find out pretty quickly that the two have a history together. They first met during a whirlwind weekend relationship in their early 20s. Meagan was a model and Luke was her photographer, both were up and coming in the industry. The first thing that I thought was interesting was the reason the relationship did not last past the first weekend the two were together. The reason Luke walked away seemed very real life to me. There was no melodrama or angst, it was just one of those grown up choices people sometimes make. I liked that Luke was honest and Meagan was too. The two weren't stunted by their relationship or their separation, both went on to live full lives apart but never forgot each other.

The author brings the characters together by using Luke's desire to rekindle the relationship in tandem with Meagan's personal crisis. Meagan is being blackmailed by somebody regarding something involving her brother from her past. Meagan doesn't really want to get involved with Luke again (that changes quickly) but she kind of has no choice. I loved that after reconnecting with Luke, Meagan can't stop her feelings for him. The connection quickly becomes real and overshadows whatever vague threat is lurking.

Of course the sex in any Tara Sue Me book is smoking hot and kinky. But in addition, Meagan and Luke have a real connection that kind of comes off the pages at you. I thought it was really interesting to see how the sexual relationship between the two changed as they both matured. They had been together years ago but they got to know their bodies. Luke got to know is dominant side and Meagan became totally at ease with her submissive side. Seeing how their interactions changed was just refreshing to me for some reason. If I had a criticism of this book it would be that some of it was a little off pace and the suspense was kind of mediocre. All in all, these are minor criticisms that did not stop me from enjoying this one.

**ARC provided by Publisher**

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