
ARC Review: Holding Out for a Hero by Codi Gary

Holding Out for a hero is the third book in the Men in Uniform series by Codi Gary. Each book is a standalone story, so these can be read out of order if you haven't read the previous books. While I have enjoyed this series, I haven't loved it. I keep hoping with each new book that it will get back to what I love so much from Codi Gary, but I have to admit that these have just been okay for me rather than great. 

Two years after losing his wife, Blake is still struggling with his grief. His favorite waitress Hannah is the bright spot in his life and he finds himself stopping by the local diner to feel happiness. But Hannah is looking for more when it comes to Blake than friendship, and that is more than he can give. Just as Hannah is convinced nothing between them will change, Blake kisses her and everything changes. But the closer they grown, the more distance Blake tries to put between them. Can Blake face his past for a shot at a future with Hannah, or will they both wind up with a broken heart? 

I have to admit that I struggled a bit to connect with these characters. I felt for both Blake and Hannah, and I could feel a genuine connection between them. But there was so much hot and cold, and back and forth that it just sort of lost me and I had a hard time feeling fully invested in their story. I wanted both of them to let go a bit and they each had issues that kept that from happening. I just felt like something was missing because I never felt like they made much progress. It was a definite case of one step forward, two steps back and after awhile I was just over it. 

While I wanted to like this one, the ending felt rushed and cliche. Things were wrapped up too easily and it wasn't a satisfying conclusion after all that we had been through with these two over the course of the story. If you are a fan of this series, this one is worth giving a shot. I have to admit that it isn't my favorite from Codi Gary though, and wouldn't be one that I recommend for anyone looking for a solid romance story. I think it lacked depth and I was frustrated more often than not here.

**ARC Provided by Publisher**

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