
ARC Review: Love Me Crazy by Camden Leigh

Love Me Crazy was cute and sexy, and I enjoyed a lot about this book. Being the first book I have read from Camden Leigh, it is always a bit of a gamble and this one mostly paid off. I did have a few things that kept me from absolutely loving the story, but I would read more from Camden Leigh in the future.

After an awful breakup, Cassidy is focused on making the most of her life. Determined to succeed in her job, Cassidy sets out to plan the perfect wedding and she has no time for distractions. But when she meets Quinn, she realizes that she might not be able to fight what she feels for him. Having been gone for five years, Quinn's return home brings up a lot of unresolved issues from his past. With everything that Cassidy has been through, can she risk her heart again with Quinn? 

These two were sweet and sexy together, and I loved the heat between them. They were different in a lot of ways, yet both of them were struggling with a lot. Because of everything that each of them had been through, they were able to understand and relate to each other. That also brought out Cassidy's fears and insecurities though, and it got frustrating at times when Cassidy was constantly doing the push/pull thing with Quinn. I liked Quinn a lot though, and he was definitely one of the high points here. It was so great to see a hero that was pursuing the heroine and didn't give up on her, even when she kept pushing him away. I will admit that I struggled with Cassidy though and I felt like I could never really connect with her.

I think that my biggest issue here though was that there wasn't a lot of depth to the characters or the growing relationship between them. Everything felt surface deep, and I found myself wanting more. I am all for a sexy story, and there was plenty of heat here! But I do want a genuine connection and romance to go along with the steam, and I just felt like this story didn't entirely deliver when it came to the emotional side of things. I did still enjoy it, and I will read more from Camden Leigh. Quinn was a great character, and I would recommend giving this book a shot for him alone.

**ARC Provided by Publisher**

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