
ARC Review: Lyric & Lingerie by Tracy Wolff and Katie Graykowski

Tracy Wolff is one of my preferred authors so I was really excited to read something new by her. The last TW book I read was "Love Game" and that was absolutely outstanding (you need to read it). Maybe because that was my last book by one of the two authors of this book (the other author is Katie Graykowski), I had really high expectations. And maybe because I had really high expectations, I was susceptible to to being disappointed. All that being said, I really felt like this book did not live up to its potential and it certainly did not live up to what I thought I would get from Wolff as an author.

The book started out sort of promising. Lyric is really off beat and tons of fun. She is a series of mishaps and interesting events gone wrong. Lyric is also a genius who quotes facts when she is feeling anxious. I thought the banter in the book was going to be enough to carry the day. The male lead, Heath, added some alpha spice to the book and brought his own brand of angst. Heath and Lyric have a history. The thing I liked about that is that Heath thinks he and Lyric have a certain history without realizing that it is actually something totally different. Heath things he slept with Lyric's twin but it was actually Lyric.

So with the great set up how did things go wrong? The authors spent entirely too much time on what seemed like side issues. For example, the book begins with a completely outrageous incident where Lyric splits open her dress and has to be wrapped in tape. At first it was really funny but the issues with the dress go one for like the first 20% of the book. By the time I got through it, I had lost interest in the romance plot, it was just too much. The same thing actually applies to the parts of the book that were supposed to be about the romance. There is a lot of talking about random topics...I mean very random. It takes forever to get to the part of the book where the main characters are actually focused on their relationship. To be honest, by the time the relationship was developing, I had just lost interest. Lyric was too quirky. Heath was too clueless. This wasn't a terrible book but it really could have been much better.

**ARC provided by Author**

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Sue G. said...

Interesting review. I really loved this book. I laughed out loud so many times while reading this. I thought it was fun and entertaining.

Unknown said...

Sue, I can see how you would have that reaction to this book, some of it was really funny. I'm glad you enjoyed this one.


Unknown said...

Sue, I can see how you would have that reaction to this book, some of it was really funny. I'm glad you enjoyed this one.


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