
ARC Review: Rejected Princesses by Jason Porath

This book is nothing short of incredible. When you first glance at it, you'd think it a collection of children's fairy tales. What it really is, however, is a collection of stories of bad ass women. This is not quite suitable for children (at least not without parental review, more on that later). It does call out to the feminist that's within each and everyone of us, women. But, don't be deterred, male readers, I think it would be interesting and enlightening for you as well.

Every story is accompanied by a beautiful illustration of the main character(s), and on average consists of about two to three pages on the story. Many of these women were real people, but there are a few myths thrown into the mix as well. The book is also quite organized. The stories at the beginning are much milder (though definitely not less interesting) then the stories at the end. There will also be a little info on the illustration and trivia at the end of most stories.

Jason Porath really thought this book through, because he created a maturity level ranking system. Each story has a rating and some have warning labels as well to warn you off of difficult subjects like intense violence, rape, or self-harm. However when he actually discussed those topics, it was done in a professional manner that allowed me as a reader to not become too overwhelmed. This maturity level system is great for parents to review before giving to their children to read.

Every story was captivating! Since Porath kept the stories generally short, I was able to stay interested throughout. He gives some information almost similar to a textbook but at the same time it felt like we were just having a conversation. He put in his thoughts, feelings, and sarcasm. I felt like I learned a lot, but he would keep me laughing at the same time. An amazing new way to look at learning.

I feel better as a person to have read these stories. There are quite a few I want to learn more about. Planned perfectly by Porath, there is a bibliography at the end of the book detailing his references. He also sends you to look at his blog, to learn more about these women as well as learn about others. This was a crazy unique project for this author to undertake, but I'm so glad he did, I'm glad to have learned so much, and I'm excited to continue and learn even more.

**ARC provided by Kaye Publicity**

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