
ARC Review: Silver by K.A. Linde

Silver is the fifth book in the All That Glitters series by K.A. Linde, but it can easily be read as a standalone story. With the characters interconnected, you do get a lot of their backstory and to see the growth for each of them if these are read in order, but it isn't necessary to enjoy Silver. Silver is Stacia's story, and I couldn't wait to read it. I love K.A. Linde's writing, and Silver was everything that I expected it to be and more.

Stacia's only goal for life was to be an NFL quarterback's wife. Over the past three years of college, Stacia with the help of her friends worked her way into setting herself up to get the perfect life. But just as all her dreams are set to come true, Stacia has a shocking revelation that changes everything and sends her back to the last place she expected. Once back in Vegas, Stacia quickly realizes that nothing is as she expected it to be. When she comes face to face with Pace Larson, her on-again-off-again boyfriend, she finds out that he has just been made starting quarterback for their college team. But while Pace is determined to take a chance after finding out that Stacia is once again single, Stacia isn't sure that she can trust Pace not to break her heart again after losing her trust.

I will admit that I struggled a bit with these characters. I liked them, but it was their choices and actions that I had some problems with. I had a hard time understanding why they did certain things, and I am positive that had these two had better communication that so much could have been different. The one thing that I will say though is that I absolutely loved the chemistry between Stacia and Pace, and it was clear that they genuinely had feelings for one another. They went about things wrong, but I still never stopped hoping that they could find a way back to one another. 

Overall, I did really enjoy this story and if you are familiar with K.A. Linde's writing then you know what you are in for with any book by her. There was drama and angst, yet it was balanced with humor, emotion and plenty of steam to keep the reader invested from start to finish. I really enjoyed seeing the progress that these characters made, and I loved the growth that they each showed. They had come so far over the course of this series, and it was great to see both Pace and Stacia really come into their own and make the changes that they needed to. Silver was another great story from K.A. Linde, and I already can't wait to see what she has in store for us next.

**ARC Provided by Inkslinger PR**

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