
ARC Review: To Love and To Cherish by Lauren Layne

This was bitter sweet for me, I absolutely adore this series and I was sad to see it end but it ended well. You finally get to see another side of Alexis rather than her usual calm and collective self, you see frazzled Alexis, sad Alexis, drunk Alexis (that one’s fun), and jealous Alexis. This one can be read as a standalone it reveals more about Alexis and Logan than in any of the other stories. Layne’s style is as usual spot on, she’s witty and the characters are so loveable even if at times you want to strangle them, and the angst of the story isn’t so bad that it’s depressing; the humor and the angst balance each other out perfectly.

Poor Logan he has spent the last eight years waiting for Alexis to finally see him and realize what’s going on. Alexis is oblivious, she has closed herself off from feeling any type of emotion for Logan other than friend because she is scared that she’ll lose him. She feels that no man would want her because how career orientated she is, she assumes that all men want the opposite of what she is. Ten years ago Alexis fell in love only to have that person fall in love with her younger sister. Now she’s faced with the fact that her sister and once boyfriend are getting married and having a baby. Alexis despite what people think wants to have a family, she wants kids and faced with the hurt she once endured a decade ago she decided to join the dating pool. 

Logan is dealing with his own problems, he’s been putting of going back to London and taking over his father’s business because of Alexis. But his parents just announced that they are retiring and they need him back home to take over. He asks for one month before he decides that gives him just enough to get Alexis to fall madly in love with him. The problem is that Alexis doesn’t want to acknowledge him as anything other than friend. He kisses her and she pushes him away. She gets drunk and throws herself at him and he pushes her away. Logan follows her to Florida to “pretend” to be Alexis’ boyfriend and show her just how much he does want her. Alexis is confused and while she wants Logan she’s scared he would fall out of love with her. Alexis needs to decide what she wants from Logan before he leaves for good.

Overall, aside from the times where I really wanted to hit Alexis, I really enjoyed this one. This whole series in general was so good. I just have one question, what about Jessie??    

**ARC provided by Publisher**

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Sue G. said...

I loved this story and this entire series! This one was more emotional to me than the others. Also, what about Maya and Grant's entire story?????

Hannah Da Bink said...

I know right!

Sue G. said...


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