
Audiobook Review: My Skylar by Penelope Ward, Narrated by Casey Jones and Piper Goodeve

My Skylar by Penelope Ward is a standalone novel, but those that have read Jake Undone will recognize Skylar and Mitch. After reading Jake Undone, I couldn't wait to get to know these characters better, but don't worry if you haven't read Jake's story as you don't need to in order to understand anything. I thought that both Casey Jones and Piper Goodeve did a great job narrating this story, and I enjoyed listening to them as Skylar and Mitch's story unfolded. 

Skylar and Mitch were best friends who both secretly loved one another, but one thing after another kept them apart. First Skylar had cancer and then Mitch did something that caused Skylar to leave. Years go by, but now that Skylar is back Mitch is more determined than ever to make Skylar his again. Though Skylar is back, she is with someone. But Mitch knows that Skylar isn't happy and that she is about to make a huge mistake. Mitch vows to do whatever it takes to make sure that he doesn't lose her forever. 

I loved Skylar and Mitch. Their love and connection was so strong, and it was obvious that they belonged together. They both made a ton of mistakes, one of the biggest being the fact that they never communicated well. There were so many things that could have been prevented had they just talked to one another and been honest about their feelings. A lot of that was age though, and it was hard to blame them for some of that since we all do questionable things in our youth. The one thing that I can say with absolute certainty though is that the love these two felt for one another was undeniable and never dimmed or diminished no matter what they went through. There were so many obstacles that they faced and so many things that happened, but they never stopped loving each other through all the hurt and time apart. The chemistry between them was there from their very first meeting, and it just grew with age and the more time they spent together. I absolutely loved them together and couldn't get enough of their relationship. 

Overall, I loved this story even when it was difficult to get through. There were times that my heart felt like it was literally breaking for these two. While I did love so much of this story, there was one thing that I didn't care for. I hated that this story went there, and it felt a bit unnecessary and cliche. After everything that these two had already been through, I was hoping for them to finally get a break, and while the story did recover it wasn't exactly what I had been hoping for for these two. Suffice it to say I wanted to reach through my Kindle and strangle a character, and I could have easily done without said character. I still think that Skylar and Mitch's story is well worth the read, their love is epic and what we all dream of finding. Skylar and Mitch will definitely stick with me, and I think that these narrators did a great job of bringing the story to life and giving it depth that isn't possible by just reading the story alone. I highly recommend this one and I can't wait to read more from Penelope Ward. Her stories are heartfelt and emotional, and while they are hard at times to get through, I have never been disappointed by her yet.

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