
ARC Review: Black & White Flowers by Rachel Robinson

I have to admit that I wasn't drawn to this cover, but the minute I read the blurb I knew I wanted to read this book. Black & White Flowers is the first book in Rachel Robinson's new Real SEAL series. I will tell you that I struggled a bit with this book. I was drawn in right away, but as the book continued, the story and writing lost me a bit and I was left with very mixed feelings.

Carina Painter's life wasn't anything like you would hope for, so she created a life she wanted to live within the pages of her book. But after a horrible childhood and an abusive engagement, she is left broken. Navy SEAL Smith Eppington is broken as well, after an accident took the life of his best friend and left him scarred. When Carina asks to interview him for her novel, a friendship between them forms and their lives are forever changed. 

I liked Carina and Smith together. I felt like they were good for one another and I was so excited to read their story because it was so different from anything I have read before. Things were sweet and angsty, and their relationship wasn't where I had issues. 

My issues came in with the fact that there was a ton thrown into this book and at times it was just too much. I really felt like this book had the potential to be such a fantastic and moving story that would really resonate with readers. But I also felt like it was just trying to hard and never got there. It felt forced throughout much of this book, and that made it hard to really feel invested in this story despite the fact that I did like the characters. While I did like things here, ultimately I was disappointed with what this could have been and what it actually was. I would still read more from Rachel Robinson and I am interested in continuing the series. I just felt like maybe my hopes and expectations were a little higher than what this story lived up to.

**ARC Provided by TRSOR Promotions**

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