
ARC Review: Collecting the Pieces by L.A. Fiore

Collecting the Pieces is the second book that I have read from L.A. Fiore, and let me tell you that I am now a huge fan of hers. This book was so good, and I really love her writing style. Emotional and real, this story kept my up way past my bedtime because I could not put it down. 

Abandoned as a baby, Sidney didn't find any real family until she was put in a foster home at the age of ten. Though the foster parents were more interested in the money than her, Sidney found a brother and best friend in Connor. In high school, Sidney meets and falls for Jake. For the first time Sidney finally has a real family and love with Jake and his parents. But just as it appears that Sidney's life is set, everything falls apart. Years go by, and Sidney finds herself lost and clinging to the past. When her and her best friend relocate, Abel Madden changes everything for Sidney once again. 

I loved the characters here. I felt connected to them and each were so real and deep. Sidney was so strong, despite everything that she had been through. She was sweet and beautiful on the inside and out. I really felt for her and all she had lost, and I was so glad that she was able to find love again. Jake was so amazing! I loved him right away, and he and his family were everything that Sidney needed to really know what love was. Up until she met him, she didn't have that, so to see her get that from him and see what an amazing person he was was a truly hard act to follow. I wasn't sure right away that I would be able to move past him and accept Abel. If i'm honest, there were times that I was upset that we were put in that position that we had to. But then I found myself like Sidney, picking up the pieces and moving on and I loved Abel as well. He was also what Sidney needed at that time in her life, just as Jake had been before. 

I don't want to spoil the story or give anything away, so let me reassure those of you that might be a little apprehensive to read this one. This book is a great story that I believe is definitely worth the read, and it is not a love triangle and does not contain cheating. Beyond that though, this story needs to be experienced so I recommend going into this one as blind as possible. L.A. Fiore has a way with words, and her stories seem to be emotional which I absolutely love. She draws you in from the first word and doesn't let go, and with each book I have read from her I am left with a huge book hangover, finding it impossible to forget the beautiful story I have just read. Collecting the Pieces and His Light in the Dark are two of my favorite reads, and I am definitely becoming a huge fan of L.A. Fiore's. I can't wait to read more from her, and I think readers that are looking for something deep and emotional should give her books a shot.

**ARC Provided by The Next Step PR**

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