
ARC Review: Last Ride by Chantal Fernando

I've read every installment in the Wind Dragons MC series. I started with Faye and Sin in book 1 and I loved them. They were my introduction to the series and the reason I grabbed up every subsequent book right away. By way of history, if you read the first book in the series Faye is in a very different position in life. In that book she is not the MC prez's wife, she's not a lawyer for the club yet and she spends most of the book being knocked up. I give you all of that background on Faye because this book centers around Faye. Most of the book is told from her perspective. I decided to read this book because I made the mistake of forgetting that book 1 Faye is not the Faye in this book.

When this book begins Faye is Sin's wife. She is the first lady of the Wind Dragon's and she runs the world of the women. Also Faye is the club's lawyer so she gets insight into club business that women don't usually have in this story. Also Faye has a smart mouth and everything she says is witty. Also Faye is the mother to a club princess and prince. Also Faye is a badass and can fight and is fearless and is beautiful and and and....and it was too damn much! I can't believe I'm saying this but Faye got on my nerves. She was just everywhere doing everything all the damn time.

Ok, you're probably all like 'yeah LJ but what was the book about?' Well, the book was kind of what you expect. Faye is fearless so she gets herself into some serious drama plotting to save the day. Sin loves Faye fiercely. Ok, let's take a moment to talk about Sin. Everything you loved about Sin from the other books in this series is back. Sin is still the same. He's alpha, bossy and loves his woman, family and club. Sin sorta wishes Faye would listen to him but also loves that she is independent and can be relied on to do whatever she wants to do. I like that about him. Sometimes I wished he would put the kabosh on some of Faye's....unorthodox plans but I still liked that he liked a strong woman.

Faye and Sin's relationship is still solid and just grows stronger through everything that happens in this book. I've known all the characters in this series over the course of several books so it was nice to see a lot of them again as the book goes forward. Despite some of the issues with Faye, this book is really fun and really entertaining. I recommend this book for any fans of MC romance or this series.

**ARC provided by Publisher**

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