
ARC Review: Tru Blue by Melissa Foster

I absolutely love Melissa Foster and her beautiful books! That being said, I knew before starting Tru Blue that it would be different than what she normally writes. It was amazing! I couldn't put it down, and while it had everything that I have come to love and expect from Foster, it was so much more as well.

Truman Gritt would do anything to protect his family, even if that meant spending years in prison for a crime he didn't commit. But after he is finally released, his life changes once again when his drug addicted mother overdoses, leaving his two young siblings behind. Now Truman must step in to help raise them, though he has no idea how to be a parent and he is also trying to help save his brother. When Gemma Wright offers help, Truman doesn't want it and lets her know it. But before long Gemma finds a way under his skin and soon things begin to heat up between them. When Truman's past catches up with him though, he will be forced to face it in order to have a chance at the future he deserves. 

I loved Truman and Gemma so much! Truman had so many layers to him, and they were each so interesting! But at the heart of him was his loyalty and love for his family, and he would do absolutely anything for them. He was fierce in his protection of them, and I couldn't get enough of him. Gemma was strong and perfect for Truman, helping him find his way back when he needed it. She was his anchor, and these two together were magic. The chemistry between them was off the charts, and their emotional connection was something truly special.

Overall, this book was so great and I really can't recommend it enough. Melissa Foster's books always have a sweet and heartfelt feel to them, showing the importance of love and family. Tru Blue had a bit of an edge to it though, and it was a bit more raw and gritty than what she normally writes. She 100% pulled it off though, and I really think that this might be my favorite book of hers yet. Yes this is a romance, but it is so much more than that and I think that readers of all genres will enjoy this beautiful story. Melissa Foster is one of my go to authors, and she never disappoints. Her books just seem to keep getting better, and as long as she is writing, I will be reading her books!

**ARC Provided by Enticing Journey Book Promotions**

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Melissa Foster said...

Wow! You have made my night! I've been excited about Tru Blue's release, but the response has just been amazing. I'm so happy you enjoyed it, and I thank you for your review XOXO

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