
ARC Review: What Might Kill Us by M.N. Forgy

I really went back and forth with what numerical rating to give this book.  The first half of this book is maybe 3 stars but the last half really picks up and is more like 4 stars.  The sticks my rating at about 3.5 stars.  In the end, because the writing is good and I really like the characters, I went with 4 stars.

What Might Kill Us is the fifth installment in the Devil's Dust MC series.  If you know me, you know I love an MC series.  I have not read any of the other books in the series and you don't have to either. You can start the series right here.  This is the story of Bull, the MC president Anahi, a Mexican cartel princess. The first half of the book is almost a different story from the second half of the book.  In the first part of the book, we learn of the lives of Bull and Anahi separately.  Bull is struggling with alcohol addiction and finding a purpose in life. He's trapped in his own misery and weakness.  Anahi is also struggling.  She is basically the prisoner of the Mexican drug cartel.  Anahi is forced into becoming a drug mule and both smuggling and dealing drugs in the states.  She literally runs into Bull one day while trying to escape the cartel.  From that moment forward, Bull is committed to doing whatever it takes to make Anahi his.

There were parts of the first half of the book that I found confusing and not quite consistent with what seems to be the M.O. of both MC clubs and cartels.  For example, Anahi is bound to Alavaro who is like her cartel drug boss.  Alavaro is obsessed with Anahi but does not appear to be having a sexual relationship with her in the states.  As far as the MC, there is a whole issue with a prospect who cannot seem to follow orders. Kane brings a civilian on the rescue mission, a woman no less.  That is just not the sort of thing that is ever tolerated in MC clubs.  Also, the actual rescue of Anahi (the first time) made almost no sense to me.  I didn't get how the MC invaded the cartels territory with no apparent repercussions. The other problem with the first half of the book is that Bull and Anahi spend too much time apart.  I just wanted them to be together more. My favorite parts of this book are when we get to see Bull and Anahi together.

In the second half of the book, Bull and Anahi finally get to be together.  I love them as a couple.  Bull is gruff and damaged.  Anahi is perfect for Bull but she also has some inner darkness that she is struggling to keep in check.  Anahi is able to help Bull heal and bring sweetness and purpose to his life.  Bull is able to show Anahi that she has a place in the world even with some of her darker impulses. I loved that Anahi was tough and a survivor.  She wasn't just getting pushed around by life, she was fighting back and I love to see that in heroines. I was very happy for Bull and Anahi in the end.  Because I walked away with such positive feelings about Bull and Anahi that I went with a four star rating.  I do recommend this book, especially for all you action romance MC club fans.

**ARC provided by TRSoR Promotions**

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