
ARC Review: Your Inescapable Love by Layla Hagen

I am a huge fan of Layla Hagen's! She is a great writer and I love that she always puts such emotion into her books! So I couldn't wait to get my hands on her newest book, Your Inescapable Love. This is Max Bennett and Emilia Campbell's story. While this book is the 4th book in her Bennett Family series, each book is easily read as a standalone.

Max and Emilia met as kids and were great friends until Emilia moved away. Years later, they each have moved on to successful careers and have no intention of settling down anytime soon. Max prefers to keep things casual, and Emilia has issues due to practically being left at the altar. But when the two meet up again by chance, they quickly realize that their connection is still there and stronger than ever. Though both are determined not to cross the line of friendship, they find themselves drawn to each other in ways they have never felt with anyone else.

I loved Max! He was sexy, protective and loyal. While he hadn't ever been one for commitment, it was clear that it was because he hadn't been with the right person. He was perfect for Emilia, and she was the same for him. These two were so great together! Emilia was strong and determined, but she also had vulnerabilities due to everything that she had been through. It made her easy to like and relate to. These two had such a special connection that had been there right from the start, and I loved seeing how they grew even closer as the book progressed. Not only did they have an undeniable connection, but the chemistry between them was smoking hot! 

Overall, this was a great story and one I would highly recommend. Layla Hagen is one of those authors that I can't recommend enough, and I know I will enjoy her books every time. She has a way of drawing you in and captivating you from the very first word all the way to the end. I can't say enough good things about her, and I think readers will really enjoy this story. If you haven't read the previous books, I definitely recommend adding them to your TBR. Layla Hagen doesn't disappoint, and I honestly can't wait to read more from her.

**ARC Provided by Author**

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