
Feature and Giveaway: Beautiful Crazy by Kasey Lane

“You confound me. You’re all these maddening contradictions that don’t make any sense… And I can’t get enough of your special brand of beautiful crazy.”

She’s a rocker with attitude and ink…
He’s a sexy suit who gets what he wants

Kevan Landry is trying to keep her life on track and her brother in rehab. If her fledgling marketing firm can sign the hot new band, Manix Curse, it will make a world of difference. Mason Dillon heads the most successful music PR firm in Portland. He’s desperate to breathe new life into the company by signing Manix Curse.

The last thing either one needs is a one-night stand with a smoldering stranger…

The stakes are high when a battle for the band—in the bedroom and the boardroom—becomes a battle of the heart. But if these two can set aside their differences, they may find they’re the right mix of sexy savvy to conquer both their worlds.

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Check out the Rock 'n' Ink series:

Pushing through the gate attached to the counter, she stepped forward and reached for him. When she grabbed his hand, he was momentarily stunned by the zing of electricity that sparked instantly between them. Apparently, the other night had not been a fluke.

She pasted an obviously forced smile on her glossy lips. “Can I talk to you for a minute?”

When he stood there dumbly, saying nothing, she added, “About the tour.”

As she dragged him across the room and down the back hall, he didn’t resist or pull his hand free.

“Where are we going?” He wanted to know. She didn’t answer but continued tugging him down the hall and past an open storage closet. “You’re glad to see me then?” he teased. “Trying to get me alone so you can have a repeat of the other night?”

“Shut up,” she hissed between her teeth. “It’s unprofessional to yell at each other in the front of the shop.”

“True. You were very unprofessional.”

She stopped and turned, forcing herself into his personal space—not that he minded—so close he could smell her vanilla-sweet scent. “Seriously. Why are you doing this? You are such an arrogant ass.”

“Me? I call ’em like I see ’em, dollface.

The sneer curling her pretty mouth was almost comical. He was beginning to enjoy how easy it was to read her expressions. When she leaned forward, he felt his breath hitch, and the air nearly crackled. Kevan pressed her palm to his chest, but instead of moving closer like he wanted her to, she reached around and opened the door at his back and shoved him inside. A little roughly. His body instantly reacted.

Dick hard? Check.

Stumbling backward, he grabbed her wrist with one hand and her hip with the other. He twirled her and pushed her up against the door, closing it with a click. He pinned her hand above her head and looked down at her heaving chest. “Well, this feels familiar, doesn’t it, Bettie?”

For a moment—barely a couple of bats of her long lashes—her guard was down, and he saw the woman from the other night, the wanton seductress with the hooded eyes. But just as quickly, it was gone. He could almost hear the click as her mask fell firmly back into place.

She pulled against the hand he had above her head. “Let me go, Mason. I’m at work. And we’re not happening ever again.”

“Never say never.”

“I didn’t. I said ever… Never mind, just let me go.” Kevan shoved her hip bones forward, pushing against his upper thighs and rubbing her body dangerously close to his dick. God, he wanted to fuck this woman again. Preferably sooner than later. But almost instantly, she realized her mistake. Her lips parted, and her breath hitched before she groaned in despair and leaned her head back against the door. “I can’t do this. We can’t do this.”

“Why?” Mason asked, his tone like that of a petulant child sounded unfamiliar to his own ears. Goddamn, her soft curves molded against his taller, harder body so perfectly. Something about this woman sucked him in, made him want more. Trying to salvage control of the situation, he tried a different tactic. “We’re both consenting adults. We obviously have chemistry. Why not have some fun?”

As he leaned down closeer, their lips were a hair’s width away from touching. All the pleasure receptors in his brain fired as the memory of the other night flooded in. Images of their bodies tangled for hours in pleasure. From the moment he’d heard she was going on tour, he’d decided he needed more time with her…to work her out of his system. Pressing his mouth against hers, he whispered, “Live a little, Bettie, and have some fun with me.”

For a moment, she pressed back, her lips and her breasts pushed against his body. The contact sent familiar sparks of desire through him. Dragging in a deep breath, she closed her eyes and turned her head, pulling her face away from his. When she opened her eyes, he was no longer looking into pools of desire, he was—once again—looking into the eyes of a very pissed-off woman.

“Fun, Mason? This is my work. I’m not here to have fun. And signing Manix Curse is not something I’m doing for shits and giggles. I take my business seriously. I’m sorry if you don’t.” She shoved at him again, but this time he stepped away and silently mourned the loss of her body heat against his.

Irritation at her rebuke began to bubble up and turned a little darker, a little redder, and felt a little more like anger.

“Don’t kid yourself. I take everything seriously.” He waved his hand back and forth between them. “You. Me. The band. Don’t make the rookie mistake of underestimating me.” He put a hand on either shoulder and gently but firmly moved her away from the door. Before releasing her, he kissed her cheek, savoring the sweet smell and soft give of her skin. “This isn’t over.”

Fixing her steely gray stare at him, she took a deep breath and asked, “Why are you here?”

“Just checking in with the band before we start the tour.” He nudged her to the side and pulled the door open. “Nothing nefarious or underhanded. Not the villain here, Kevan.”

He turned and walked out to the open work area, hopefully leaving Kevan staring at his back.

Award-winning debut author KASEY LANE writes sexy romances featuring music, hot guys with ink, kick-ass women, and always a happily ever after. A California transplant, she lives with her high school crush turned husband, two smart but devilish kids, two Papillons, three cats, and several chickens in the lush Oregon forest.

Up For Grabs:
  • 5 Print copies of Beautiful Crazy

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  • Please fill out the Rafflecopter form.

Good Luck! 

Special thanks to Sourcebooks for sponsoring this tour-wide giveaway.
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