
Guest Post with Author Samantha Chase and Giveaway

Meet Samantha Chase author of This is Our Song.

New York Times and USA Today Bestseller Samantha Chase released her debut novel, Jordan's Return, in November 2011. Teaching creative writing to students from elementary through high school motivated Samantha to take that step as well. Since then, she has become a NYT and USA Today bestselling author. She lives with her husband of 25 years and their two sons in North Carolina.

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Writing a book about a musician was a lot of fun for me. I am a huge music fan – I love to have music playing around me as much as possible. I am an 80’s music fanatic. Back then, I went to every concert that I could, hung posters on my walls of all the hottest rock stars and to this day, can sing along to all the songs I knew in high school! Of course, no one really WANTS me to sing, but that’s another story!

When I started writing Riley’s story, I had people asking me who the inspiration was for him. There was no ONE inspiration. He’s sort of a combination of (primarily) Jon Bon Jovi and Adam Levine. Crazy combination, right? But while I was writing, Riley was kind of faceless to me. Most of my heroes are. But that didn’t stop me from thinking about what he would look like or what famous rock star he would resemble. So here are my choices for my Top Five
Hottest Rock Stars:

1. Jon Bon Jovi. Sorry, ladies. I know he’s gotten older and not as popular as he used to be but the man is still incredibly hot to me. Long hair, short hair, gray hair…personally, I think he just gets better with age!

2. David Coverdale. I will say this, back in the day, this man’s voice ALONE was enough to make me melt! I went through my Whitesnake phase in the 80’s along with everyone else and they are still one of my go-to bands that I listen to mainly because…well…David.

3. Joe Elliott. I call him my secret husband and even my husband doesn’t mind. I’ve seen Def Leppard in concert probably about a dozen times and though my man can’t hit those notes like he used to (or fill out a pair of leather pants quite the same way), he’s still sexy to me.

4. Michael Hutchence. The late lead singer of INXS was so damn sexy. Oh…his voice, his face, his moves…sigh. He is still incredibly missed.

5. Sting. Oh. Yes. Like Jon Bon Jovi, Sting just gets better with age. There doesn’t seem to be anything he can’t do and he has a distinguished look and voice and you just know that he’d be someone that you could sit down with and have dinner with – or sexy conversation.

New York Times and USA Today bestselling author Samantha Chase crafts a tender, hopeful family-centered romance

She knows him by reputation

Riley Shaughnessy knew that to stand out in his large family, he'd have to go big. Making a name for himself as a musician wasn’t easy, but he followed his dreams to rock-star success. But the relentless expectations of fans is not helping the slump he's in now. So of course the person who attracts him is the woman who is not impressed by fame.

Which gives Riley Shaughnessy a lot to prove

Entertainment reporter Savannah Daly is completely unfazed by pretty-boy rock stars. She’s just here to get her interview and write her story. But spending an entire month with the Shaughnessys is going to show Savannah a side of Riley she never could have guessed.

Purchase: | Amazon | Kindle | B&N | iTunes |


He didn’t just beat her in the best of three.

Oh, no. That would have been too easy.

No, Savannah—who realized too late that she was a very sore loser—kept egging him on until he finally put the paddle down after beating her in twelve games. Twelve! Why did she have to keep taunting him? Even while they were playing she couldn’t make herself ask him anything important. They talked about useless stuff—favorite bands, favorite foods—hell, at one point she’d even asked him his favorite color.

She hung her head low in defeat and put her paddle on the table. Riley had excused himself and went to get them each a drink. She prayed it was vodka. Something to make her forget this humiliation.

His prize at the end of the first three games was that she’d stay and have dinner with him.

After the next three she’d stay for a movie.

She really thought she was going to beat him in the third round. Unfortunately, it had been her biggest loss, and he’d simply chuckled and said he’d have to think about his reward. And he’d repeated that after the fourth and final win.

Riley cleared his throat when he walked back into the room and handed her a glass of ice water. They drank in silence for a few minutes. “That was fun,” he finally said, and Savannah realized he wasn’t being obnoxious and he wasn’t gloating. He genuinely looked like he’d had a good time.

And despite all the losing, Savannah would have to agree. It was fun.

“How do you feel about salmon for dinner?”

“It’s one of my favorites,” she said and was relieved he wasn’t gloating.

“It’s kind of early yet. Maybe we can watch a movie first?”

That was a reasonable request, and she agreed. Together they picked out a classic Neil Simon movie from 1967, Barefoot in the Park. “Ooo…Robert Redford.” She sighed. “Another favorite.”

Tucked away in a corner was one of the biggest flat-screen TVs Savannah had ever seen. Riley noticed her stunned look. “It’s one hundred ten inches. They don’t come any bigger than this right now. The picture’s great too.”

Two oversized recliners were centered in front of the screen and they each sat down. Riley started the movie and within minutes Savannah was more relaxed and they were both laughing along with the story.

She kicked her sandals off and tucked her feet up on the chair beside her. Next she pulled the clip out of her hair so she could relax her head against the back of the comfortable chair. Looking to her right, she saw Riley was watching her. His expression was intense and for the life of her, she couldn’t figure out what was wrong. “Is everything okay?”

He didn’t answer right away.


“I still have to decide what I get for winning those last two rounds,” he said, his voice low and gravelly.

Savannah nodded, hypnotized by the way his eyes had gone so dark.

“I’m going to combine them into one request,” he said, and it sounded more like a warning than a statement.

“Okay.” Her own voice was almost a breathy whisper.

Leaning closer, Riley’s eyes zeroed in on her lips before meeting her eyes. “Savannah?”


“I’m going to kiss you. Twice.”


His hand snaked out and around her nape and slowly drew her closer to him. And then his lips touched hers and Savannah’s brain simply stopped functioning.

Up For Grabs:
  • 1 Print copy of Always My Girl

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  • Please fill out the Rafflecopter form.

Good Luck!

Special thanks to Sourcebooks for sponsoring this giveaway.
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Sue G. said...

This story sounds like a lot of fun! Thanks!

Joanne B said...

Congrats on the new release. This Is Our Song sounds fantastic. Can't wait to read it to learn more about Riley and Savannah.
If you could have dinner with one of your characters, who would it be and why?

Samantha Chase said...

Thank you so much for sharing today!!

Molly said...

I love all of your books Samantha thanks for sharing.

Unknown said...

Thank you for the excerpt & giveaway. Your books are great!

Unknown said...

Thank you for posting here today! I love your works, Samantha!

Anonymous said...

I love these covers!

NoraA said...

I'm a fan of the Shaughnessy Brothers stories and look forward to this newest title in the series. I'd be thrilled to win ANY of your books to add to my ever expanding home library.

Eileen AW said...

I love the books that Samantha writes!! I have two questions. First, why and when did you decide to become a romance writer? Secondly, what type of work did you do, if any, before becoming a writer?

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